October Book Haul & Wrap Up + November TBR

Hey guys!

Another month has come to an end and here I am with another crazy Book Haul, a long Wrap Up and a short TBR. AS per usual this is going to be a very long post so let’s just jump into it.

Book Haul

I am going to divide this book haul in three parts.

My Godfather is the best

As it´s usual my godfather got me a huge number of books, all very fitting for this time of the year. And as they are many and all thrillers and I like to go into those blind I will just provide whatever I know about them

By Persons Unknown by John Katzenbach

I was looking forward to reading a book by this author because I have been told he is a great author. For those who don’t know this is the guy who wrote the Psychoanalyst and I have been told by people I trust that that book is amazing, so I will be picking it up soon.

Las Monedas de los 24 by Juan Pedro Cosano

My Godfather knows me well, I mean there has to be a reason for he being my Godfather. This book is about a serial killer and I am fascinated by them, don’t ask me why because I don’t know why, is just a fact.

El Guardían Invisible by Dolores Redondo

I have been meaning to read this book for the longest time, that’s why I was so happy with it. I don’t know what is it about. I know is a thriller and that it has a beautiful cover, so I am dying to read it as soon as I can.

Roadside Crosses by Jefrey Deaver

In the synopsis of this book it´s written that we follow an expert in corporal expression that must work against the clock in order to save a missing girl, sounds cool enough?

The Prodigal Son by Colle McCollouch

This book takes place in the 60´s and the plot sounds so cool. A toxin is stolen from university and people appears death from that toxin. An army man tries to stop the killing and discovers a tie with a black doctor who doesn’t want to put at risk his reputation.

Faces by Martina Cole

This book seems to follow an abusive character that is the boss of the Mafia that will discover that all debts must be pay.

The Crossing by Michael Connelly

This book apparently is about a case of corruption because who has supposedly committed the crime hasn’t done it really. 

The Girl in the Mist by Donato Carrisi (originally it was on Italian, so I did my best with the translation)

For what I gathered from the synopsis this book seems to be told from the perspective of the kidnaper or the killer. I am intrigue because I haven’t read anything similar. As soon as I have read it I will tell you.

Exit Music by Ian Rankin

There is one main reason and only one why I want to read this book. It takes place in Edinburg! Yes, I know Outlander create a whole fandom of people obsess with Scotland, but I am not ceasing in my obsession anytime soon. It has some mystery element as we follow an inspector who is about to retire and wants to solve some unsolved cases.

The Thirst by Jo Nesbo

Jo Nesbo seems to be one of those authors who publishes a lot of books in a very short period. My Godfather has gotten me some, so I will be reading them and telling you as I go.

Gone for good by Harlan Coben

This is a thriller in which we follow a couple of brothers: Ken and Will. One day one of Ken´s exes appears death on their basement and he goes missing. Eleven years after that happened Will discovers that his brother is alive and that there are many secrets to be discovered yet. I will tell you about it as soon as I read it.

Books that authors and publishers have given me

Asuntos Propios by Jesús Zaplana García

Last month I talked about La conspiración magiar by the same author and this month I talked about this one, which was given to me by the author. Unfortunately, both these books are only written in Spanish but if you know the language I definitely recommend checking them out. I have already read this book, so I will talk in further detail in the wrap up part of the post.

Velzen 115 by Victoria Joelyn Leal Gómez

This book was sent to me by the publisher, so thanks to them for that. This is a syfy that deals with the destruction of those who stop progress. I have already read this one, so I will tell you more about it in the next section of this post. Again, this one is only in Spanish.

Imagine by Jenna Greene

Really, I cannot say much about this book. I requested it based on that it was a fantasy and that I had a beautiful cover. Yeah, I know: I am one of those monsters that judge a book by its cover.

Bloodbound by Amalie Howard

This book is a novella from a series that I haven’t heard of to be honest. However, after doing some research and see that the first book has good reviews and that it´s settled in Vienna 1892 I was completely sold. I have already read this book and you can find deeper thoughts about on the next part of this post.

I Could Write a Book (A Modern Variation of Jane Austen´s “Emma”) by Karen M Cox

In case you don’t know this, Emma by Jane Austen is one of my all-time-favourites books. This one is a retelling of Emma and as soon as I laid eyes on it I knew I needed to read it, so I requested, and I was lucky enough to get a copy.

El Guardían del Cículo de Piedra by Carmen Murguía

This book has been published by a Spanish author in an independent Publisher company called Hades. I really love to read books by this publisher because all the books that I have read by them have been amazing and right of my alley. This one is a fantasy and I will tell you more on the wrap up part of the post as I have already read it.

Nómadas de las Sombras by Alex Dhawer

I was contacted by the author to see if I wanted to review his book. I read the synopsis and I became really interested by it. I will let you know all my thoughts about it as soon as I have read it.

La Opción Weser by Rafa Limones

This book is the debut novel of Rafa and I am very much looking forward to reading it. I was contacted by author to see if I wanted to review the novel and after he told me what it was about I was completely sold. In this case we will be following a Jewish family in the years before Hitler escalates to power. I think it´s very interesting approach as I have read tons of books settled in the Second World War but none in this period. This book is only in Spanish but next month I will let you know all my thoughts on it.

To me from me & my paarents

This Savage Song by V.E. Schwab

I have been meaning to read this book for quite a while know. I keep seeing it recommended so when I saw it on my favourite book store I had to get it and, so I did.

The Novice by Taran Matharu

I have been seen this book around and I know it´s a fantasy which you all know is what I like the most. I saw it on my favourite library and I really need to read it, so I bought it.

The Inquisition by Taron Matharu

This book is the second part to the Novice and I just bought in in case I really love the first one so much that I need to continue with the series right away. I know it can also work in the reverse form, but I will like the book and everything will be fine.

Siege and Storm & Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo

This book is the second part of Shadow and Bone and I love that book so much that I needed to continue right away with the series. Unfortunately, it was kind of hard for me to find books 2 and 3.  Now that I have them I will devour them.

It by Stephen King

I know that I already have The Dark Tower by him and that I haven’t read it yet. But there is a justification for this buy: first I really want to see the movie and I don’t like to see book to movie adaptations if I haven’t read the book first. And second, it was October so what better time to read a creepy book that now?

Fallen Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes

I have been dying to read this book and I couldn’t find it anywhere. The other day I was sick, and my mum came home with it for me and I could be happier about it. I will read it as soon as I have time for it and bring a review for you guys.

El Pergamino Templario by Raúl Mellado

My dad is cool, and he brought this book to me. It´s only written in Spanish, but if you like a good mystery and templar knights this is your story (if you speak Spanish). Plus, my dad gets the book signed by the author, and you all know how much I loved a signed book.

Wrap Up

This has been a great month reading wise I read a ton of books and I have love quite a few tough not all of them. As per usual if there is a review for any of these books already posted on the blog it will be linked on the title of the book and this will appear on read. Just click and you will be redirected to that review.

Lud-in-the-mist by Hope Mirrlees

This book was published in Spanish just recently and I got a copy form the Spanish publisher. I really enjoyed this book, but I don’t think that is a fit for everyone. I think this is one of those books that you will only like if you are a huge fantasy lover. I gave 4 out of 5 stars. My review for now is only written in Spanish but there is an English review prepared to be posted in the future.

The Witch´s Kiss by Katherine Corr

This book was such a big disappointment, mostly because I was expecting to love it and I didn’t. any ways thanks to the publisher for approving me to read the book through NetGalley. I ended up giving this book 1 out of 5 stars

El Jardín de Sonoko by David Crespo

This book was also given to me by the Publisher and i am so happy they did so. This is a story settled in Japan and I think it will surprise to you all, because it has some magical realism on it and it’s just amazing. I gave 4.5 out of 5 stars and if you speak Spanish I highly recommend you pick this one up

Asuntos Propios by Jesús Zaplana García

As I have told you in the book haul, this book was given to me by the author and I am so happy he did it. This is the second book published by Jesús and it´s just wonderful. There is a huge improvement from the first one, which is incredible considering the first one was amazing a well. I gave it out of 5 stars and if you speak Spanish I will highly recommend you pick up this book.

Caraval by Stephanie Garber

This was the book that Noe and I picked for our monthly bookclub. I was really looking forward to reading it and I am happy I have finally done it. It was really interesting thought I thought it has some issues in the way that plot twists were introduce. I will post a full English review. In the meantime, know that I gave this one 4 out of 5 stars.

Children of Daedala by Caighan Smith

This book is not going to be released until next April, and that is why I am so happy I get the chance to read it early. I was pleasantly surprised y it and I think that if you enjoyed The Maze Runner this book is for you. But don’t be stupid like me and read the first book first, even when this one is perfectly understandable on its own. I gave 4 out of 5 stars.

Follow me Back by A.V. Geiger

This book is simple amazing. I love it because it was such an interesting read from the beginning until the end and I really recommend you guys to pick it up. I talk about, social media, being stalked and there is a bit of romance. I gave 5 out of 5 stars and if you want to know more about my thought of this book go check my review for it.

Velzen 115 by Victoria Joelyn Leal Gómez

This book was such a disappointment that I really don’t know how to even begin to describe it. Velzen 115 is a syfy that had the possibility of being great and it fails. I ended up giving it 2 out of 5 stars.

The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak

This book was actually a huge disappointment as I was expecting so much, and it was just so little. After all the hyped that there is around this book I was hoping to be reading a master piece; instead I found a mediocre book with an amazing ending. I really liked the last 100 pages, but they cannot be understood without the rest of the book and the rest of the book was boring. Overall, I gave this book 3 out of 5 stars and will be posting a review of it sometime in the future.

Bloodbound by Amalie Howard

I was really excited about this book because I thought I would love it, but I didn’t. I was extremely disappointed as Bloodbound have everything to become a book that I like: werewolf, vampire, and Vienna in an historical period that I love. I found the main character to be annoying. And the book falls into many clichés having a female character so “different” from the rest of the society. Also, I am kind of tired of the extremely good-looking characters. I didn’t like the narration either. It was not appropriate for empathising with the characters. I ended up giving this book 2 out of 5 stars.

City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare

This was the book that we had to read this month for the Mundane Book Club and I am so happy I reread it. I wrote a full discussion about it talking about all my thoughts; I only did it in Spanish but if you are interested let me know in the comment section and I will do a discussion in English. I liked the book once more, but I have some issues as now I am older (and maybe more mature) that the other times that I read this book. I ended up giving it 4 out of 5 stars.


I am going to be super busy during November so as I don’t want to be force to read I will just include in this sections those books that I know for sure that I need to read by the end of the month.

Arena Roja by Gema Bonnin

This is the book that my friend Noe and I chose for our monthly bookclub for November. Plus, we are interviewing the author so is going to be a fun ride. I am really looking forward to reading this book but as per usual I have no clue about what this is about.

Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

I made this poll for you guys to pick a book for my TBR for this month and this was the one that got choose. I am very pleased with the result as I was intending to reread this book. I will prepare a review with all my thoughts or you.

What books have you bought this month? What have you read in October? What are you planning to read on November?

See you all in my next post. 


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