Mid-Year Freak Out Tag

 Hey guys!

I know is Saturday and that I usually don´t post on Saturday but is the middle of the year and I thought it will be a good moment to do the Mid-Year Freak out Tag.

I have been seen this tag in YouTube since last year and I have been wanting to do it. I will leave the original video with the tag at the bottom in case you want to check that one out.

So far this year I have read 41 books. A quick not to let you all know that I wont be takin into consideration for my answer The Name of the Wind cause it will beat the rest of the books.  And no 
whitout further ado, let´s jump into it.
Whats the best book you´ve read in 2017?

The Night Circus, I read it back in May and absolutely love it. It´s such a great book. Its not only a good story or a good set of characters or an amazing writing style. The Night Circus is a combination of all those things, is that kind of book that you will highly enjoy if you like to read, and if not, you will also love it. I havent written a review for this book yet because I want to reread it before I do so.

The best sequel you read in 2017?
To be honest I have read many great sequels: Morning Star, Lord of Shadows, The Rose Society, The Midnight Star, A Court of Mist and Fury, A Court of Wings and Ruin and the list goes on. All of those that I have mention are fantastic, but in my opinion the best sequel that I have read this year is A Court of Mist and Fury.

ACOMAF is amazing in every single way and it exceed all my expectations, especially considering how I felt about the first book in the series. I have a review for this book coming out in the next few weeks so stay tuned for that one.

New release you havent read yet but you want to.

There are so many but to limit myself somehow, I am going just with the new releases that I have in my TBR. I know that this book was published a while ago internationally but it just came out in Spain in this year so I am going to with The Fifth Season by N.K.Jemisin. I was dying to read this book and the day I bought I also meet the author so it was amazing. As soon as I read it there will be a review on the blog.

Most anticipated release for the second half of the year.

I am dying to read Amalgam by Nelou Keramati but there is no cover or release date yet. So I will go with Warcross by Marie Lu. Firstly, because so far, I have loved all the books that I read by her and secondly because the concept of this book sounds amazing. Apparently, it´s about a hacker that accidentally ends up being a spy for the company she was trying to hack. Unfortunately, I wont be reading it until Christmas because I am in a book-buying-ban.

The biggest disappointment of the year.

Drums of Autumn by Diana Gabaldon. Honestly is like the characters are not themselves anymore and I was pissed and constantly annoyed by some characters that I really liked. I didnt write a review because honestly, I wouldnt know where to start with the issues that this book has.

The most surprising book this year.

The Accidental Empress by Allison Pataki. This is a book about the life of Sissi the Empress of the Austrian-Hungarian empire. I have been fascinated by this character for such a long time that when I found this book I was hoping to like it, and be something like 3.5 stars. Instead I found a book that I have absolutely loved and that I am dying to reread time after time. I will be posting a review for this one some time at the end of July or begining of Agust. 

Favourite new author.

I just can pick one because I have discovered many great authors this year so far. So, I will mention my top 3 in the order that I´ve discovered them. 

I discover Ingrid Seymour author of the Djinn Empire Trilogy. She is an amazing author and such a nice person. You can check my reviews of her book by clicking on the title of each one: One Wish Away, TwoHearts Asunder and Three Words Promised.

Then I have to mention Erin Morgestern because I am literally in love with the Night Circus. Honestly if you havent yet read that book stop your life until you have done it.
And finally, Lourdes Tello. Unfortunately, her book can only be read by those who know Spanish but it´s that good. And I also like this author because she is really nice in every single meaning of the world. So, if you know some Spanish give it a try. You can check my review or Amor entre leyendas by clicking on the title of the book.

Newest fictional crush

I can choose just one, because I am deeply in love with both of these characters so dont make me. 

The first one is Kaz from the Six of Crows duology and it´s because he is so amazing and such a complex and interesting character that I can´t help falling in love with him.

The other one is Rhys from the ACOTAR trilogy and as soon as you see my review of ACOMAR and ACOWAR you will know why.

Newest favourite character.

Kit Herondale from Lord of Shadows. I dont know why but I want to be friends with this kid.

A book that make you cry.

The Midnight Star by Marie Lu. And I wont tell you why because if you have read it you will know why and if you havent I dont want to do a spoiler. Just go and read this book, trust me you will be happy.

A book that make you happy

Romeo & What´s HerName by Shani Petroff. This book is honestly so much fun that I will recommend everyone to read it. And I remember reading and being laughing so hard that my mum had to come to my room to tell me to shut up because she was trying to sleep. And whenever I think of this book I smile. I wrote a full review that you can check by clicking here.

Favourite book to movie adaptation that you have seen this year.

I havent seen that many movies this year, so I am going to go with the series that I am currently watching: Sherlock. As I am writing this I am in season 2 and is fun for me to see how some of the cases that I have already read on the Penguin Complete Sherlock Holmes are coming to live with some differences of course, but nonetheless very enjoyable. Plus, if Benedict Cumberbatch is involved I am not objective cause I love that man.

Your favourite book review you have posted this year.

I think that will be my review of Morning Star that you can check by clicking here. Maybe is not the best review I have ever written but it meant so much because it was the goodbye for those characters. Then when I was finishing the review I learned that Iron Gold was coming out in January and I was so happy. But I really loved writing that review cause somehow was the ending of the journey of those 3 books.

Most beautiful book you have bought this year so far.

If we just count the ones that I have bought for myself I would go with Strange the Dreamer by Lani Taylor. If is just any book that has been added to my collection this year I could not choose between Strange the Dreamer, Sense and Sensibility, The Wish Granter and The Vanishing.

What books do you need to read by the end of this year?

Being very optimistic all the books that I received on my birthday. But I know I will have to work and I won´t have as much time as I want to so I will be happy if I read The Mistborn Trilogy, Sense and Sensibility, American Goods and Strange the Dreamer. 

That´s all for today. I hope you have enjoyed this tag. I will really like to hear all of your answers, leave a comment down below so we can talk.

See you all on Wednesday. 


  1. You met Jemisin!! I am so jealous!!! I am posting a review of The Fifth Season in a couple of weeks, wrote it yesterday, don't remember exactly when it's scheduled xD but it was amazing and I'm sure you'll love it!

    1. Yeah I met her!! And she was really nice, actually Madrid Book Fair is an amazing chace to met lot of authors. I will be looking forward for your review.


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