June Book Haul and Wrap Up + July TBR + 5 Favorites from the Secong Quarter of the Year

Hey guys,

Today´s post is going to be extremely long. I a going to tell you about the books that I bought or received in June, the books that I read during this month, what I am planning on reading during July and finally my top5 books of this second quarter of the year.

Without further ado, let´s start with this post.

Book Haul

So, I know that last month things went totally insane and I bought way too many books. This month happened as well, because I did not mean to buy more books, but then book fair came around and I bought some more and my Godfather gave another book because he is cool like that.

Magisterium. The Bronze Key by Cassandra Clare and Holly Black

I love a good middle-grade and Magisterium is indeed in that category. I started reading this series back in October or November and ever since I feel for it. Now that I have catch up with the series I will read as soon as the books came up. As I have already read this book I will talk in further detail in the wrap up part of this post.

The Fith Season by N.K. Jemisin

The story with this book is quite interesting. I have been wanting this book for quite a while now. The day before I bought it in the Madrid Book Fair I saw it and told my mum I wanted to pick up and she told me that I need no more books, which for any person with some common sense but not for me because when it´s about books I do not have common sense. I bought it and met the author and now that I have it I am looking forward to read this book. Especially now that I am in such a fantasy mood.

Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare

If you have been here for a while you might have known that this was my most anticipated book of the year. I am not going to lie, getting the book has been hard: first Amazon have some issues with my order, then I cancelled the order and went to the stand of my favourite book store in the Madrid Book Fair. In the bookstore, there were no more copies of lord of Shadows. Luckily, they order more and reserved one for me. I have already read and reviewed this book so I will talk in more detail on the wrap up part of this post.

Strange the Dreamer by Lani Taylor

I have not read Daughter of Smoke and Bone yet but I have heard such amazing review of this book that I could not keep myself from buying it. Plus, I needed to reward myself for my patient wait for Lord of Shadows, right? Anyways I think this book is something right on my alley as is a fantasy book. And you know that I love fantasy.

The Game Theory a Very Short Introduction by Ken Binmore

Last semester I took a game theory class and I thought it was really interesting. I want to know more about this topic. I really like it cause is about using maths in order to predict the behaviour of other players (people). This is my nerdy economist talking. As I dont think that any of you is interested in this book I wont be reviewing it but if you are interested leave a comment or send me a mail or a tweet (@martapasperez1) so we can talk about it.

Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

I saw this book and could not refrain myself from buying it. I loved the Six of Crows duology by this author and loved it. This book is settled in the same universe and I need more about the Gishavese. I have heart some mixed reviews about this saga so I am looking forward to read I and give you all my opinion.

A Shadow Bright and Burning by Jessica Cluess

I dont quite remember what this book is about. All that I remember is that when I first hear the synopsis thought that I wanted to read it. I know that it is some kind of fantasy book. I am looking forward to read it and as soon as I do I shall review it for all of you.

Störst av allt by Malin Persson Giolito

This book was a gift from my Godfather who, as I have said before, is a wonderful man, that give me books because is the only person in the family that understands my love for them. I know that coming from him it has to be some short of thriller and by the name of the book from Sweden probably. We both love a good mystery. I will be reading it while on vacation cause is when I feel like to read mystery.

And this month I received a few books to review and those are:

El monarca de las sombras by Javier Cercas

This is a book that tells the story of a man during the Spanish Civil War. I am currently reading it and as soon as I have finish it there will be a review. It will be on Spanish because the book has only been published in Spanish. Thanks to Penguin Random House for sending a copy.

Paseando entre los sueños de Amanecer González Cantero

This book was sent to me by the Publisher. They are an independent firm and they are really nice. Is a fantasy book and I am really looking forward to read it as soon as I am done with my current reads.

Historia de Madrid, historia de una vida de Manuel G. Sanahuja

This book was a gift from the autor.I meet him on a book presentation I attended (I was presenting the book) and he was so kind that he gave me one copy of his book. It appeals to my as much as it does because it tells the story of my city but the narrator is a cat. Again this book is only on Spanish so when the review come out it will be in Spanish. 

After all this book, I am going in a book buying ban until Christmas. However, if I receive some books for review I will include them in my future book hauls.

Wrap Up

So, this June I have had an incredible reading month. I have read a ton of books and most of them were really big books. So, this are the books that I read during June.

Un amor entre leyendas de Lourdes Tello

This book is by a Spanish author that is really nice. We met on the Madrid Boor Fair and she invited me to the presentation of her book (I did the presentation). I enjoyed this book and I honestly think that is just one of those books that is perfect for the summer and if you know Spanish I will encourage you to buy it and read it. I gave it 4 out of 5 stars and you can check my full review by clicking on the title of the book.

The Midnight Star by Marie Lu

If you have been here for a while, you might have notice that I love this trilogy. This book was the perfect conclusion to this trilogy that I recommend you to read as soon as you can cause you wont regret it. I have a full review for this book already up on the blog that you can check by clicking on its title. But read this trilogy please. I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars

The Wish Granter by C.J. Redwine

This book is a fantasy standalone that is a retelling of the tale of Rumplestiskin. For those who dont know this I am a huge fan of that character in Once Upon a Time and that was the main reason for me wanting to pick up this book. I like it but I was somehow disappointed by it; The Wish Granter was not quite what I was expecting. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the book and I gave it 4 out of 5 stars and there is a review for it coming in the next week post.

Magisterium. The Bronze Key by Cassadra Clare and Holly Black

I was really looking forward to read this book and I was disappointed. It was slower than the other books in the saga and for almost half of the book nothing happens. And when the plot starts to become interesting there is only 30 pages left. I gave it 4 out of 5 stars and will be reviewing it soon.

The Accidental Empress by Allison Pataki

As I told you in my May Book Haul I was really interested in picking up this book because I am fascinated by history but specially with the life of Sissi. This book has not disappointed my, in fact I was pleasingly surprised by it. I love how this book is written and how it paints you a character that you might come to like but making clear that Sissi was not perfect and that she made some mistakes. I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars and there is a review coming up in the next weeks.

Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare

As I have said in multiple occasions this was my most anticipated book of the year. I was really looking forward to read it and I am so happy I did it. I love everything about The Shadowhunter Chronicles and I am so excited that I read this book. My only problem now is that I have to wait for two years to read the final book in the trilogy; but in the mean time I can read The Last Hours that is coming out next year. I gave Lord of Shadow 5 out of 5 stars and I have a full review for it that you can check by clicking on its title.

A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas

This book. Where do I begin with this book? ACOMAF was all that I was expecting ACOTAR to be, I mean, it was even more of what I expected it to be. I am so happy I keep reading this series instead of DNFing it. I love every single page, every single word of this book. Obviously, I gave it 5 out of 5 stars and there is a review (a new kind of review) coming up in the next couple of weeks so keep an eye on the blog to check that one up. By the way, can someone buy me a Rhysand, because I was a part of his team from book 1 I never liked Tamlin (if you dont believe check it on my review of ACOTAR.

El monarca de las sombras de Javier Cercas

I was given this book for review by the publisher and it was fine but it´s not my favorite book of all times. It´s a book about the Spanish Civil War which for the Spanish people is a complicated topic. I wrote a full review but it´s only in Spanish as it´s the book. I gave it 3 out of 5 stars. 


The problem of doing a TBR is that I donté know in what mood I am going to be this month because after reading ACOMAF and ACOWAR I am in a reading slump, so I will be reading whatever I feel like it plus Throne of Glass by Sarah J.Maas because I am reading it along with another blogger, I will leave here all the information in case you want to join us.


So, this quarter I have read quite a few books but my top 5 favourites in no particular order are (I am not considering The Name of the Wind cause it will be the only book in this list). Is there is a review for any of this book you can acces it by clicking on the title of the book. 

The Night Circus by Erin Morgestern

Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo

Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare

The Accidental Empress by Allison Pataki

A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J.Maas


  1. Lovely post :) The Fifth Season was great! My only advice? Read the glossary FIRST. It will throw a lot of otherworldly terms at you and will not explain, so you might feel a little mixed up. The glossary helps loads. Also, don't get daunted if it takes a while to get into it. Afterwards, everything is perfect! It's a very strong fantasy book.
    Are you seriously going on a book ban till Christmas xD that has never worked for me!
    Also, Magisterium sounds great. I also love middle grade, especially if magic is involved :)

    1. Hi Evelina!
      Thank you so much for your visit and for the advice on how to read The Fith Season, it will be one of my next reads so I will tell you when I am done with it.
      As for the book buying ban I will try not to buy books, but that doesn´t mean I cannot recive them.
      Magisterium is really nice, if you like middle-grade you should definetly red it.


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