
Hello Everyone,

Today I thought it would be a good idea to talk about Outlander. Why you might be asking yourself. Well because I finally found the first book ad read it.

If you have been here for a while, then you might know that I love the TV show. I even did the Outlander Tag a while ago (you can check it by clicking here). So when my dad ask me to go with him to the book store to buy a present for one of his friends and I found this little baby (please note that if this book is anything, is not little, at all). So my dad saw how happy I was for founding it and was nice enough to buy me the book.

To tell you a bit about the plot I will give you a brief summary. Claire Randall is telling her story; she is a World War II nurse who is in her second honey moon in Scotland with her husband Frank. They are trying to get to know each other again after being apart for a long time. In a walk Claire finds a circle of Stones and she travels 200 years to the past were she finds herself involve in some political issues among others.

So I went into the book knowing some things about the plot. Basically because I´ve been watching the show and I´ve read in several places that it´s a good adaptation. However I´ve enjoy reading the book. I found that I get more in-depth thought of Claire and I get to like her even more, because to be fair Catriona Balfe is doing such an amazing job portraying Claire but in the book you get to know her even better.

The writing it´s in the first person and it´s so nice. The rhythm is so appropriate and helps you to connect with all the characters but mainly with Claire. And I found to be quite funny that even when Claire is in the XVIII Century the Second World War is the past for her. Diana Gabaldon has proven to be a great author by made you laugh one moment and cry the next.

Regarding the romance I will say that I already knew that I liked Claire and Jaime and I was a shipper of them. However thanks to the book I have seen new shades of their romance and I come to like them even more. And don´t get me wrong because Caitriona Balfe is doing a terrific job portraying Claire; her acting is becoming so great episode after episode.

And even when most of the time I love Jaime there are some moments in which I like him better on the book rather than in the screen and vice versa. But, who I am trying to cheat? I love him every single moment!!!

As I was saying earlier one of the thing that I enjoyed the most about reading this bok was how the story was told. The author first introduces Claire to us, and then she takes the time to create the whole universe in which the story is happening… And because she takes the time for all of those things when you have to by surprise by something you genially are.

I have really enjoyed this book, but because I have watch the show and the first season is so loyal to the books I knew what was going to happen so I´ve kind of miss that surprise element that I love while reading; that´s why I gave this book 4 out of 5 stars.

What are your thought on the book? Have you watched the show?

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