Song of the Blackbird+ Giveaway (Closed)

Hello Everyone,

For this post I am working with the Kilian Group so I will like to thank them for giving me this book and the opportunity to participate on the Song of the Blackbird Book Tour. Of course I will like to thank the author, DB Michaels, as well.

And as you can see on the right sight you have the link to a Giveaway of a $50 Amazon gift card that is happening thanks to the Killion Group.

Today I am going to be talking about Song of the Blackbird. A debut novel, and if you have been here for a while you might know that I love discover new authors especially when those are publishing their first novel. In that way it’s easy for me to be able to read everything they write.

So let me tell you about this wonderful debut novel: Song of the Blackbird which is nothing but stunning. I have loved this book and for sure you haven´t read anything like it.

Song of the Blackbird is the story of Emma who desperate to reconnect with her brother takes her new medical training and secures a doctor job at the prison where he is serving sentence. There are so many things that can go wrong, life in prison is certainly not easy there are gangs, corruption, drugs… All that Emma wants is to keep her brother alive.

What´s in this book for you guys? Well there is a magnificent story, as I just say, that will keep you reading and that will make you reading non-stop until you finish the book. And the style in which the story it´s told is so good. I´ve truly enjoyed DB Michaels writing. Plus you will be so trapped in the story that it will be like if you were watching a movie, because as I said the writing is so magnificent that everything in this book will come to life in your head so easily.

Regarding the characters I will say that there are so many but, just like the main character you will like or despise them, because even when narrated on the third person you still have Emma´s point of view so you will like characters when she does and dislike them whenever she does it. Of course you get to follow another character Maxim Chambers, the warden of the prison, and you get to know him and when told from his point of view like or dislike the same characters that he does but, mostly you will be able to empathize with Emma.

There is not a major character growing in Song of the Blackbird, but actually that´s not a problem for me. If you have been following the blog for a while you will know that character development it´s one of the things I care the most about. Why I don´t care that there is not so much of it on this book then? Well the characters on this book are all grows up when we start the story, they have gone through so much, all of them that you won´t want them to endure other issues.  And besides, it cannot be character growing when the character is already mature, I mean in real life there is a point in which your personality remains the same. And that´s one of the things that ié enjoyed the most of the book: the realism.

Going on with what I was saying, even when there is not character development, there is so many thing going on and even when you want the characters, which become very dear to you to be calm and quiet they change through the story but it´s really subtle.

I do not want to write a very long review, because that it´s so boring to read and you will not go ´til the end of it. But let me finish by telling you that all this magnificent work is also reflected on the places in which the story happens. DB Michaels have done such terrific jobs that have managed to make some of the places characters in the story. The most clear example to this it´s Alabastross prison.

For me this book it´s a 4.5 out of 5 stars because I’ve like it a lot and I seriously recommend all of you to read Song of the Blackbird the first book in the Alabastross prison series. You can purchase it by on Amazon by clicking on the word Amazon

And in case you want to contact the author I will leave all her links here. 




That´s all for todays post. I hope you have enjoyed and if that´s the case please don´t dubt to suscrive to stay tunned to new post or just know that I post every Tuesday in Spanish and Every Friday in English, thought it might be some changes and some post in the middle. You can also follow me on social media (which you can find by clicking here) to stay tunned. 

See you all soon. 


  1. Thanks so much for featuring Song of the Blackbird! Thank you, Marta for your wonderful review of my novel.

    1. Thank you very much for stop by and check my review :).

  2. I just had to tell everyone how much I enjoyed this novel. Couldn't put it down till the end. If this is her debut book, I can't wait for the next installment of the Albatross prison series. Great job, DB Michaels. Loved it, loved it.
    -- Parker Simmons.

  3. I'm so glad you liked my book, Parker! Thank you for your kind words. I am working on my next novel and hope you will check it out when it's available.

  4. Thanks, Marta for your great review of my novel, Song of the Blackbird. Your blog site is wonderful and it's great you publish in both English and Spanish.


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