Lady Midnight

Hello Everyone,

Have I ever told you how much I love Cassandra Clare books? I think I have, but in case I haven´t let me tell you. Cassandra Clare is such an amazing writer that handles to create a book better than the previous one when I thought that wasn´t possible.

I was really excited to read Lady Midnight, and it didn´t disappoint. It shows so clearly the progression of Cassandra Clare as a writer. The world building was less important so she could focus in the characters, their development and the story, which was so rich and full of turns that will shocked you. Certainty I was shock.

The story is so entertaining. I was compelled to keep reading for the very first page until the last one. And there was a short story about Claire and Jace and all of the characters of The Mortal Instruments series. I won´t say that much because I don´t want to spoil anything.

And with regard to the characters I have to say that Cassandra has made an amazing job because these characters are so rich. And I never thought I would ever say this but I like Julian so much that I think he might be a rival to Will Herondale. Yes, I can´t believe I´ve said that, but it´s the truth. My favorite female in the shadowhunter world still being Tessa but seriously Jules…

And I´ve really love how the whole Blackthon family have been introduce to us in such a subtle way first through The Mortal Instruments and then in Tales From the Shadowhunter Academy. And since I mention this I highly recommend reading them before reading this because there are some events that are related and it will be a good  idea and a very fun read.

I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars and I am really looking forward to the next two books in the series are released because I CAN´T  wait to see what´s going to happen net. Though it will be also nice to have the first book The Last Hours series. Actually I will be happy with any book by Cassandra Clare.

For those of you who don’t know what The Las Hours is, I will tell you that is a new trilogy happening in London after The Dark Artifices happen and that will be featured by one of the kind of Will and Tessa and one of the kids of Charlotte and Henry. You can learn a little more either reading Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy (you can read my review by clicking here) and one of the stories in The Bane Chronicles (which you can read my review by clicking here) or just going to Cassandra Clare website by clicking here

That all that I can say without spoiling you, so if you haven´t read yet Lady Midnight and don´t want to be spoiled I will highly recommend you leave now, read the book and then come back so we can discuss it.

For most of this book I was either shock or thinking how cute Julian and Tavy were. I have loved this book and I really think is the best that Cassandra has written. I even think I like it better than Clockwork Princess that so far was my favorite.  I think this happens simply because now we all are familiar with the mythology of this world and we do not need so much world building anymore. And the fact that all the protagonist of the story are familiar with the Shadow in world; they are a part of it.

Emma is a great main character though I miss the humor that Will and Jace used to give, because certainly Jules is not going to be the sarcastic character. From such a young age he had to act like a parent. I really enjoyed to see how much he loves his siblings and how he would do anything for them.

Julian is such a rich character because he has several faces. In one hand he is a kind in love and on the other had he is an adult responsible to run an Institute and take care of four children plus Mark when he arrives.

And since I mentioned Mark I will talk about him. I like how he is obviously affected by everything that had happen to him during the years in Fairy but how he is trying to overcome all. He is brave and as Julian and possible all Shadowhunters willing to do anything for those who he loves. And as a matter of fact I found that he was the one delivering the funny lines and the funny things that happen in this book happen usually when he was either around or in charge.

I also like how Cassandra Clare is not afraid to show us different types of characters regarding their sexuality, which actually is quite refreshing and even though, apparently there are so many books talking about gay relationship, I haven´t read about a bisexual character.
The Fair Folk have such brutal costumes and they want to flogger Mark because Kieran is just an idiot. And Julian tries to be punished instead of him, but finally is the reckless Emma who takes the punishment. And yes I said reckless because she is. But I fell so sorry for her and I really have loved her as a protagonist.

Emma might not be as we are used to in these series; because as I said I miss the funny things, but I am well aware that apparently The Dark Artifices might be darker than either The Mortal Instruments or The Infernal Devices. Emma has gone though so much she and the others were just kids when the Dark War happen and she and Julian had to do some killing in order to protect the little ones, so of course this two haven´t had the brighter childhood that Clary or Tessa or even Will might had had.

I love how all the characters that still alive play a visit. And I really love how thing have gone for Jace and Clary and for Magnus and Alec. And how Alec and Clary had finally became friends. AND SIMON AND IZZYY ENDGAMENT!!!

And do not even think that I’ve forgot about the whole romance in this book. The romance is so good and I like it because is forbidden. But for once the Clave have forbidden thing because it has to be like that because to prevent a greater evil. I was so surprised when Jem tell everything to Emma. And how Tessa intervened and told her that to cease to love someone is impossible, but you can make them hate you, just as Will did.

The end was shocking for many reasons. First because their friend Malcom have betrayed the LA Institute; but not only them but Magnus, Tessa and Catarina. The end was shocking because the Lost Herondale appears (read Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy for further information). And because Mark have embrace his inner fairy after seeing Cristina and Perfect Diego kissing. And because Emma broke Julian’s hard and plans to do it even more. And because after all Annabel Lee is awaken.

I can´t wait a year to read Lord of Shadows but I will have to. By the way, Tavy is the cutest 
shadowhunter ever!!

What are your thoughts on Lady Midnight? Are you looking for the first book in the Last Hours series to be released? Leave a comment down below so we can discuss.

See you all tomorrow when I´ll post my Wrap up.


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