21 Autors

Hello Everyone,

As I announce, here I am with a whole new post on the World Book Day. I am so excited!! I really love this day even when I don´t do anything different of the rest of the days. I mean, I might read a little bit more than usual but not much else.

On Thursday I promised three post and that´s what I am bringing for all of you today. The first post I am bringing is the one about 21 authors I loved. They are order in my particular preference, but to make it interesting I am doing it like a countdown.

So with no further do, let´s get started!

21. Mary Higgins Clarke.

Because as a matter of fact hers was the first mystery novel I´ve ever read. 

20. Jojo Moyes.

Everyone is in to her right now because Me Before You, I haven´t read that one yet, but a while ago I read The Last Letter from You and I really enjoyed it.

19. Stephanie Meyer.

I am not going to say that she is the next Pulitzer winner (though you never know) but certainly her writing style has something that keeps you reading. Let´s be honest, the Twilight Sagas was part of all of our teens and made more than one read a book that wasn’t mandatory for school.

18. L.J.Smith.

As it´s obvious because she is in a higher position than Stephanie Meyer I like L.J.Smith Books better than Stephanie’s. And because I tend to go against the rest of the world I like better The Vampire
Diaries Books than the TV show.

17. Jenny Hann
I discover her a few years ago. It was a mix of circumstances: I was looking for some contemporary reading and it was summer so I read The Summer I Turned Pretty and I love all three books. And almost a year ago I read To all the Boys I Loved and loved it too.

16. Justin Somper

Because I truly enjoyed Vampirates though I haven´t read yet the last two books in the series. I will re-read them and write a review, but honestly go and read the whole series.

15. Guy Haley

Until last week I didn´t know this author, but trust me when I tell you he is unique. I read The Emperor´s Rail Road (you can read its review by clicling on the title) and I was so pleased with the writing style and the world that the author have created. Seriously read something by this author.

14. Kai Meyer

I read  Die fließende Königin that in Spanish is La Reina de la Laguna and in English would be something like The Queen of the  Lagoon. However, as I was saying I read that trilogy when I was around 14 and the story have stayed with me and I am looking to re-read it, it´s going to be kind of difficult because I lost contact with the person who borrowed me the books, but I will find it and re-read it.

13. Camilla Läckberg

I love a good detective story and Camilla Läckberg writes probably the ones that I enjoyed the most. I am compelled to keep reading until there is not a single page left to be turned.

12. Laura Gallego

In case you don´t know this yet I am from Spain therefore I love to read Spanish authors once in a while. Laura Gallego was one of the first authors who introduce me to reading thanks to her trilogy The Idhun´s Memories which is a trilogy set in a medieval world full of fantasy. But she has written so many other amazing books, such as Finis Mundis, which follows a medieval French monk in a quest to save the world; Two Candles for the Devil which treats with the battle between angels and demos; or more recently Where the Trees Sings which is set in a medieval fantasy world in which trees used to be able to adopt a human form.

11. Richelle Mead

I love Richelle Mead because she created Dimitri and Adrian two of my top 10 male characters. To be honest even when I really love this author I have only read six of her books and those are all in The Vampire Academy Series, though I am really looking to read the Bloodlines series as well as her two newest releases.

10. Libba Bray

Again I haven´t read that much written by this author, but A Great and Terrible Beauty trilogy is so entertaining and well written that she deserves only for that to be on this list.

9. Javier Ruescas

Javier Ruescas is mostly a middle grade author who eventually writes YA. He is a Spanish author that I really enjoy reading. My favorites by him are the books of the Trilogy Play, which follows two siblings that couldn´t be more different and both are passionate about the music, but in different ways.

8. Anthony Doerr

There is no need to elaborate this so much, I think that all it´s said when I say that he won a Pulitzer in 2015. I wrote a full review of All the Light We Cannot See that you can see by clicking on the title. 

7. Cinda Williams Chima

She writes fantasy and I love fantasy. I read The Demon king series by her and I am really looking forward to read some of the other books that she has written.

6. Sarah J.Maas

I am currently reading the Throne of Glass series and am really enjoying it. I am just in book two, because the reading is so addicting and I have to focus on school and I want to keep these books for summer because usually when I seek for fantasy during that time I do not find it. And I also have my copy of A Court of Thorns and Roses waiting for me on my selves, but I will try not to read It until I´ve read all the Throne of Glass books that have been published.

5. Luis Montero Manglano

Luis Montero Manglano is the author of one of my all-time favorites (you can see my favorites by clicking here). Los Buscadores, which in English would be something like The Seekers. This trilogy has been translated to Polish and I really hope that is translate to more languages so the story can reach as many as possible, because, trust me you NEED to read this story.

4. J.K. Rowling

Everybody knows her. Author of the amazing Harry Potter series she made it into the list because her series was the first I ever complete and because I love her writing so muh. Now she is writing other books and actually I have the copies of some of them but I haven´t have time to read them just yet.

3. Pierce Brown

Some of you may know him because BuzzFeed and other media have named him the hottest YA author in the world. To be honest I first became aware of him and his books because of those articles. However if his books weren´t terrific he wouldn’t be here.

Red Rising is the best dystopian novel I´ve never ever read. I am writing I review because I just re-read. It will be posted on Tuesday so stay tuned to read my review.

2. Cassandra Clare

Honestly, she never disappointed me, but she does surprised my. Recently I re-read The Infernal Devices and re-fall in love with the character and the story. I will re-read The Mortal Instruments as soon as I can to review and, obviously, the book I am currently readin is Lady Midnight. So It´s obvius that I love her and her writing full of jokes and sarcasm. She is able to make you cry and laught at the same time and that´s why I love her as an author. I´ll leave you the links to all the reviews of her boos that are already posted in the blog in case you are interested on check them.
1. Patrick Rothfuss

If you have been following the blog and reading carefully you might have notice that I really love this author. I recommend his book any time I have an occasion to do it. His writing is marvelous the story incredible and the characters amazing. I will be reviewing his books as soon as do my annual re-read (if I do have time this year).

Do you like these authors? What are your favorite’s ones? Leave a comment in the comment section so we can discuss and know more amazing authors.

That´s all for todays first post. Stay tuned because around lunch time (in Spain) I will be posting the next post.

See you all in bit. 


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