TBR April 2016

Time flies and a new month is here and a bunch of new reading are waiting to be picked up. First of all I want to say that I don´t think that I can read as much as did during March; I think it is impossible that I read again 21 books, especially considering that I have test and final assignments for a lot of my school courses. But Whit further do, let´s get started.

Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy by Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan, Robin Wasserman and Maureen Johnson

I have already read Welcome to the Shadowhunter Academy last month and I mean to read the other nine that I have left before I read lady Midnight.

This morning I have read The Lost Herondale and The Whitechapel Fiend. I´ve enjoyed both of them but the one that had called my attention was the Whitechapel Fiend which have so many things that I enjoyed I will talk about all the books in further detail as soon as I read them all.

Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare

This is the first book in the newest Cassandra Clare series and I am looking forward to jump into it. I´ve nothing but good thing about this book and I want to meet all this new characters. Lately I´ve been reminded by myself how much I love Cassandra Clare writing style and her way of telling stories. So let´s see how it goes and I´ll review it as soon as I read. 

Red Rising by Pierce Brown

Pierce Brow is one of my favorites authors and this book series is one of my favorites as you can see by clicking here.  I decided that I will be re-reading it so I can review it and remember all what happen before I go and read Morning star with everything fresh in my mind.

Hotel Ruby by Suzanne Young

I ran into this book by causality. I read the synopsis and find quite interesting. Plus the cover is so beautiful so I decided to start reading it. I am reading it thanks to Riveted books.

Riverted books are a page for YA books and you can read some books if you are registered. But is just not for reading there are a lot of give away, unfortunately are just for the USA; and besides they have a blog in which you can see a lot of things all related to books. I will leave you the link so you can go cheack it by clicking here.

But going back to Hotel Ruby I am like 80 pages in and it´s been fascinating. So as soon as I finished I will bring you a review from it.

The Blue Economy: 10 years, 100 innovations, 100 million jobs by Gunter Pauli

My mum gave this book for Christmas because she knows how much I like to read books about economics and finances. Apparently this book was a report for the Club of Rome. I am not enjoying this so much; I was expecting it to be much more about economics and no so much about environmental facts as it´s been so far. But as I settled at the beginning of the year I have to read two books about either economics or finances.

And that’s all for the month. I don´t think I will be able to read anything else but if I could i will read a couple more.

What are you planning on reading this month? Do you have any recommendations? Leave a comment down below so we can discuss it.

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See you all soon. 


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