Wrap Up April 2016

Hello everyone,

Here I am once again. Today as is the last day of April I am binging you my April Wrap Up, or all the books I read during the month of April.

This month I´ve read a total of 17 books. I thought I will be reading less but as is been proven I am a reading machine and that I read a lot. And I am quite happy with my reading this month cause I feel like I´ve read pretty good books, even when at the end of the moth the things were not so cool. Without further do, let´s get started.

I read nine out of ten of these novellas this month, as you may know I read Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy during March. I´ve really enjoyed these novellas, because they allow me to reconnect with all those characters that I think were long gone.  I am not going to say much more about these because I posted a full review, that you can see by clicking on the title. However I have to say that my favorite is Born to the Endless Night. Bit don´t worry because I won´t be spoiling you. 

But just so you know, all this novellas are so much fun to read, I average I gave them 4.5 out of 5 stars

This month I´ve read a lot of novellas. Is a fun read and because they are so little I get to read more stories. A Reaper of Stone was such a fun and quick read. Basically this one is the first novella of a series. A new novella is publish each month which I found it to be such an interesting way of telling a story, ok the books are shorter but the waiting between one book and the next is shorter as well. You can read my full review by clicking on the title.

For me this book was a very fun fantasy reading. I think you will like either if you are a lover of the fantasy genre or not. I gave it 4 out of 5 stars.

This book hasn´t come out yet but I could read it thanks to the kindness of The Killiorn Group and its author. I´ve really enjoyed this book and I gave it 4 out of 5 stars. As I said on my post, which you can see by clicking on the title, this book is such a quick read and for me is one of those readings that you will enjoy especially during the summer.

I did not like this book. In fact I gave 2 out of 5 stars. I wrote an extensive review about it which you can see by clicking on the title.

To sum up I will say that his ideas are interesting, but in my opinion not possible.

This was one of my favorite readings of the month. It was so short and such a quit read; as well as entertaining and surprising. Until I read this book I hadn´t read anything by this author but it was a very pleasant surprised. I wrote a full review about it; you can check it by clicking on the title.

I gave it 5 out of 5 stars.

This book is one of my all-time favorites and that´s the reason why I decided to re-read it. I fell in love with these characters once again and gave it 5 out of 5 stars.

However this time there was something new in the reading. I realized that the world-building is so magnificent, and also that there are some details that are given that later on will be key to the plot. I wrote a full review that you can read by clicking in the title.

This book was beyond Amazing. It´s incredible how much I love everything that Cassandra Clare writes. In this occasion we get to meet a whole new ensemble of characters that are so rich. I think that this happens because the world building is all done already for the previous series. I wrote a full review which you can read by clicking on the title.

I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars. And as a matter of fact I like Jules even more than Will Herondale, and I am not kidding.

The fire Sermon by Francesca Haig

I will be posting a full review for this book but for now I will tell you that The Fire Sermon was one of the greatest disappointments that I´ve ever had. I gave this book 3 out of 5 stars, and I will explain all my reason on my review.

The Map of the Bones by Francesca Haig

This book was the reason why I read The Fire Sermon. I requested for review and Simon & Schuster was kind enough to give me an early copy. I cannot say anything about The Map of the Bones because I don´t want to spoil anything. But I gave it 2 out of 5 stars. However if, you´ve liked The 

Fire Sermon I am positive you will like this one, that comes out May 3rd.

Sudden Mission by Guy L.Pace

I think this story is actually quite good but I haven´t like it. The writing style was so good and there were several parts in which I was so scared. And as matter of fact I read the story in one sitting. But this wasn´t a book for me, if I would have read it when I was younger I would have love it.

The writing style was so good and the religious elements of the plot were introduced so well into the plot. Overall I think that this book deserves 3 out of five stars.

Those are all the books that I´ve read during April. What books have you read? DO you have any recommendations?

Finally I will do an announcement. During May and June I am going to be super busy: in one hand I have all my finals and, on the other hand, I´ve been granted with an Erasmus Scholarship so I have to do a lot of paperwork. Therefore I will be posting less but I will try to post at least once a week. And because I am going to be so stressed I will not be doing for any of those months a TBR, I´ve enough tasks to do, and if I have a TBR I will be doing myself reading those books instead of those for which I am in the mood for. But if you want to know what I´ll be reading you can check it here on my Goodreads shelves. And if you want you can as well add my as a friend to check how my reading is pregressing. 

That´s all for todays post.

See you all soon.


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