The Inquisition

Hey guys!

Two weeks in a row posting in English. I think that definitely means that I am back, right? I mean I am trying because I really like to create content for everyone and I enjoy having followers from all around the world. 

Today I want to talk about a book the blew my mind. If you read last week post you sure know what it is. Yeah, you guess it right:  I am going to be talking about The Inquisition, the second book in The Summoner trilogy. As per usual, this will be a spoiler free review but as its the second book in the series you might find some spoiler as for the first one. So if you haven’t read that one yet, please go and check that review to see if you would e interested in reading the book. Psst, spoiler alert, you will be. 

Now without further ado, let's jump into the actual review. 

The Inquisition starts one year after all the events from the first book. Fletcher has been imprisioned for a year with Ignatus as his sole companion. He has been waiting for trial but nothing have happened until Artucus have pushed thing with the help of the Dwarf Council. After trial is decided he must enter the Orcs Jungle to accomplish an important mission while the whole kingdom is watching them and their team. 

So let me start y saying that this book was even better than the first one and that is a lot to say. I think that there is a huge gap between them and its shown through a lot of improvement in the writing as well as in the story and how new characters are introduced. 

We have all the characters form the first novel and some new additions. I think that the way these characters are introduced and the moments its very interesting because of how this affects how the story is built. Its quite interesting seeing how racism affects different societies and this one is quiete interesting. Also I liked how other issues such a patriarchy are explored and how women's right are vindicated especially because of the introduction of Cress. 

I loved how the introduction of dwarf female in order to show how they are repressed not just because of the especies but also because of the gender. I do love when important issues are address and discussed in fantasy. 

One of the other things that I thought was brilliant about this book was how the entire universe was expanded so much. This boo is certainly not so big; especially of you compare it with other books within the genere but the word building in the first installment was so good and smart that expanding was really easy. Also this expanding didn’t cause the book to be boring, because there would be pages and pages describing something. Instead the adding of new information was done in a way in which you wouldn’t want to put the book down: more action. 

This story is certainly action packed. That’s for sure, but to have the world expanded at the same time that you are entertained because there is not a single minute to stop and breath. 

I think it was quite interesting having the chance of see how the contest element function to the story and it was quite smart. I think this trilogy is one that all of us who have grown with Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and ll those will love. Because even when it's unique on its own way, it has that little something that will appeal to all of those feeling nostalgia for them. 

There is. plot twist in this book that is supposed to be a big revelation, but I think that it was something that was quite obvious from book one. If you have already read the book I am pretty sure that you know what I am talking about. If you haven’t you will know of it as soon as you read the book because is something pretty obvious. But I don’t think that this is something to decrease your enjoyment of the book but quite the opposite as is something that gives you the feeling of being somehow smart. I am not sure I am explain gin myself alright so just to make sure that everybody gets me what I am trying to say is that thanks to that big clue in the first book you can see this coming and you don’t need excesiva explanations as for when this revelation happen. The other big twist was actually quite unexpected n every way and it was a really nice surprised. 

Overall I think the book was great and that it was better than the first one. So yes I highly recommend this book. Now I am leaving you to red the next one. 

See you all next week!


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