Most Anticipated Releases of 2018

Hey guys,

The year is coming to an end and truth to be told it has been a really interesting year reading wise. Luckily 2018 appears to have some amazing launchings and I am very much looking forward to all of them, but of course there are a few that I really need to have. This are my most anticipated books of 2018 in publication order.

For some of these titles I haven’t found a publication date, but they are schedule for 2018, those are at the bottom in alphabetical order.


The Cruel Prince by Holly Black (January 2nd, 2018)

I want to read this book because it´s written by Holly Black who is co-author to the Magisterium series along with Cassandra Clare, plus this book has a beautiful cover.  As you will see in this post I chose many of my books because of its covers, so far, it’s been working so I am not complaining. By the way this book is a fantasy so there you have another reason.

Batman by Marie Lu (January 2nd, 2018)

Here the maths is quite simple: I adore Marie Lu ever since I read The Young Elites plus I adore Batman (when he was played by Christian Bale more so) therefore reading this book is absolutely necessary for my life to go on.

Iron Gold by Pierce Brown (January 16th, 2018)

This and Queen of Air and Darkness are my most anticipated releases for this year. They are books that I need in my life as if right now. In this case the story takes place 10 years after all the events in Morning Stars and I cannot wait to see what is it that Pierce has prepare for all of us.

The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert (January 30th, 2018)

This is one of those books that I chose complete based on the cover but then I read the synopsis and knew I needed to read it. It´s is about this girl who has been living with her mother. They have been running away from something, but her grandma suddenly passes away and all she knows is that her mother has disappear and all that is left is a note saying that she needs to stay away from the Hazel Wood, which is the place where the grandma has died, and the mother has disappeared. Sounds cool, right?


Sol y Sombras by Lourdes Tello (February 2018)
In the Madrid Book Fair of this year I was lucky enough to meet Lourdes and take with me a copy of her first book signed. Amor entre leyendas was amazing and I love it, so I am dying to read whatever it is that she writes after. I asked Lourdes what her publication schedule was, and this was the only book that had an exact date. For now, this is the only one I am including but is a representative for all the books that she will publish during this year.

The Queen´s Rising by Rebecca Ross (February 6th, 2018)

To explain why I have picked up this book is kind of hard because the synopsis for this book is complicated. So, I will just tell you that it has a beautiful cover and that the word “Queen” it’s on the title. There seems to be a great deal of political intrigue and that’s the kind of read that I love and those who have been on the blog for a while know will know.

Honour Among Thieves by Rachel Caine (February 13th,2018)
There is only one reason for this book to be on this list: it has the word “thieves” on its title. I think it might be similar to Six of Crows and I hope not to be disappointed. As soon as I have it and I have read it I will let you know all my thoughts.

The Traitor Prince by C.J. Redwine (February 13th,2018)

I want to read this book because I have res the previous one by the author, The Wish Granter and I really enjoyed it. I think she is doing a whole series in which she is retelling some classic fairy tales and I am dying to read them all. By the way, I have managed to read this point without mentioning how beautiful it´s its cover, but I needed to do it and you guys know it.

Ink, Iron and Glass by Gwendolyn Clare (February 20th,2018)

The synopsis of this book appeals to me a lot. It´s an alternative history of Italy in the 19th Century and there is a science called scriptology that allows to the people who domain it to create know worlds by only writing them. Sound amazing, right? Well I haven’t told you the best part just yet. The mother of the protagonist is an scriptologist, who created the world they live in. One day the mother of the protagonist disappears, and she needs to go to the real world to find her and then she discovers many people with special gifts.


The Wicked Deep by Shea Ernshaw (March 2018)

Do you remember Hocus Pocus? Did you like Practical Magic? Well according to the synopsis of this book, this story is a mix of both those movies. What else do I need to want to read this book?

Obsidio by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff( March 13th,2018)

This book it’s here because of Evelina from Avalinah´s Books. She recommended me Illuminate, which I loved and the I read Gemina which I didn’t like as much, but as you guys know I never quit a series, so I will be reading this third book to see how things end.


A Reaper at the Gates by Sabaa Tahir (April 10th, 2018)

In the moment in which I am preparing this post I have yet to read the second book in this trilogy, but I really loved the first book and I am dying to read all the books in this series to see what happens with Laia and Elias.

Ace of Shades by Amanda Foody (April 10th, 2018)

I think the whole: “My mother is missing, and I, her daughter has to save” is going to be the huge topic for 2018, as this is other of those books. IN this story we will follow Enne, who should leave behind all she ever knew and possibly her reputation to save her mother. Her ally? A con master. There has to be some sort of magic involve because it´s label as a fantasy.

Beyond a Darkened Shoere by Jesica Leake (April 10th, 2018)

As I have said before I am obsessed with Six of Crows. As you might know Leigh´s book has a crow on its cover, this book has also a crow on the cover and that´s is the whole reason of why I want this book. I know it´s a very smart buying decision making process.

Ash Princess by Laura Sebastian (April 24th, 2018)

The plot of this book is hard to explain but I will do my best, so you can understand why this book is on this list. The protagonist sees how her mother is killed and a Kaiser takes control over her realm. Years later all she does is to keep the Kaiser content until he makes her kill the only person that could have rescued her. That´s when she decides to take revenge and seeks for allies that are not allies really, and decides to seduce the Kaiser son who might not be as bad as she initially thought.


Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare (May 2018)
This book is the final one in The Dark Artifices trilogy and after the end of the second book I need this one ASAP. This is, as I have already said, along with Iron Gold my most anticipated realised for the year, and I cannot believe that I have to wait until May to read it.

ACOTAR Novella by Sarah J.Maas (May 1st,2018)

Even when I didn’t love the first book in this series, the other two blew my mind into a thousand pieces. So as long as Mss Sarah J.Maas continues to write books I will keep reading them.

A Court of Miracles by Kester Grant (May 3rd, 2018)

I am going to be extremely honest with you, the first thing that appealed to me about this book was the word “Court” on the title, because of that I thought of Rhys and I needed to have it. However, when I read the synopsis I discovered that this is a retelling of Les Misérables (which I haven’t read yet) and it´s said that is perfect for those who loved Six of Crows and takes place just after the French Revolution. Do I need to say more?

Legendary by Stephanie Garber (May 29th, 2018)

As you might know I read Caraval as part of Between the Pages of the Lost Library a monthly book club that I host with Noe from Entre Páginas y Letras. The thig is that I was convinced that Caraval will be a standalone but it isn´t because there is a huge plot twist at the end of the first book. So, I only have to options read Legend or die of curiosity. I chose the latest. Besides really enjoyed Caraval even when I found some issues with the story.


Tell Me No Lies by A.V. Geiger

I did a review of Follow Me Back when I read it and in that review, I basically told you that I loved the book. This one is the second in this duology/trilogy/series and I need it right now, mostly because the end of the first book is just so amazing. Can I have it already?


This Rebel Waves by Sara Raasch (July 3rd, 2018)

First things first, the cover of this book is just gorgeous, and I need to have that kind of gorgeousness in my life. Secondly this story is based on the Spanish Inquisition and even when it´s not the best creation of my country, it´s definitely one of the most interesting. The story is fantasy (or course) and there are pirates; besides it seems that there will be a very interesting political scene. Have I mentioned that is a duology? This has everything that a good series has but without requiring a long-term commitment on my side.


Dance of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson (August 7th, 2018)
Any book that has the word “Thief” on its title is an automatic buy on my side. IN this case I was completely sold out as I sow the gorgeous cover that this book has. It also contributed that the protagonist is a reformed thief that works now for the crown, but that somehow will allay with another monarchy.

Catwoman by Sarah J.Maas (August 7th)

I think Sarah is definitely the author with more books on this list. I want to read Catwoman because is written by Sarah J.Maas even when I don’t like Catwoman as much as I like other heroines. Nevertheless, I am very much looking forward seeing what has Sarah done with this.


Throne of Glass 7 by Sarah J.Maas (September 4th)

I mean since I have all the rest of the books in this series I better pick the next and read it, right?


The Lady´s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzzi Lee (October 2nd, 2018)

Truth to be told I have yet to read the first book in this series but I am looking forward reading this one already.


The Half King by Melissa Landers

This book is part of a duology and the synopsis gives away very little. I know it has some fantastical elements because is about a king that became in shadows at down. There is no cover yet, but I am very much intrigue by it.

The Muse of Nightmares by Lani Taylor

Strange the Dreamer is a book that I have mixed feelings about because eve when I liked the story I didn’t love the author´s writing style. Anyways I need to know how the story ends so I guess I will be picking this one up.

The Nameless Queen by Rebecca McLaughlin

This story is about a girl that has no name and therefore has any rights in the society she lives in. Everything changes when she is announced to be the heir to the throne.

And that was all for today. I hope you enjoyed this post and I hope that I have given you some ideas to read in 2018. What are your most anticipated releases?

See you all in my next post. 


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