July Book Haul & Wrap Up + August TBR

Hey guys!

As every beginning of the month i am here to bring you my Book Haul, Wrap Up and TBR. But before we jump into the actual post just a quick comment about me being on vacation: I will be gone the whole month of August so it might take me a while to reply to comments but there are post schedule for every Wednesday from now ´til the end of August so I won´t be abandoning you.

And after that little thing that you might not care about, lets talk about all the books that I have to talk today as they are quite a few

Book Haul

I know I said that I wont be buying any books ´til Christmas but I realized that I really have a book buying problem and is serious. On the other hand, is not such a bad thing: I mean I could be spending my money on drugs and instead I am spending it on books. And technically I have no spend money as I have received all these books. My Godfather is a really cool guy and he got me a book and it was my name´s day so I asked for books plus publishers send me some. And you know that if books are given to me I wont say no.

The Black Prism by Brent Weeks

This was the book that my Godfather got for me. I have been looking to start reading this series for over a year: I keep seeing Regan from PerouseProject talking about this series and usually we have similar taste in books. Plus is fantasy and you guys knowing that I am always ready to read some fantasy.

El actor Lucas Bilbo by Àngel Burgas

This book is by a Spanish author and i have already read it. So, I will talk in further detail in the Wrap up section of this book. But I will give you a quick summary of it. Lucas wants to be an actor and he is in a theatre group in his High School. One day one of his classmates disappears and Lucas is the only one with all the information necessary to solve this mystery

I contacted the author, who is also from Spain, to request an interview with her and she nicely gave me a copy of the first book in her other trilogy. I have already read this one so I will talk about it in further detail in the Wrap Up part of this post.

El Pozo. Libro I de Arick by Pamela Pons Saez

This book is also by a Spanish author and it was given to me by the Publisher. It´s also a fantasy I which we will be following Eva as she lives her last live (she has lived 20 lives previous to this one) trying not to die alone.

Crown of Midnight by Sarah J.Maas

I was doing a Buddy Read with some other Spanish bloggers and we read Throne of Glass. For me it was a reread and after finishing the book I order the second book. Technically I did not spend my money as I had an Amazon Gift Card for 10 and the book was 9.71 and I requested the free-shipping. Plus, I studied finances and I know money is not equally value today and tomorrow: today is more valuable than tomorrow so I was not going to waste the money, right?

Illuminae and Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

I have been wanting to read this book for a while now. All I needed was Evelina from Avalinah´s Books to tell me to read them. I trust her entirely in everything related to books so when she told me this two were amazing I asked for them for my name´s day.

The Dark Tower. The Gunslinger by Stephen King

I know Stephen King to be one of the most beloved authors in the world and I have been meaning to read one of his books for quite some time now. I have recently discovered this one even when is quite old. There is a movie coming out and the trailer seems amazing. I want to read the book before it comes out. I didnt buy it, my mum did it for me.

Sinfonía del Inframundo by Juliana Riveros S.

This book was also sent to me by the publisher whom I have recently started working with. It´s a paranormal romance with the Greek God Hades as a main character. I

Wrap Up

This month has been somehow weird with my reading. After finishing both ACOMAF and ACOWAR I felt in a reading slump. It took me sometimes to get over that wonderfulness but I am slowly coming out of my slump. As always is there is a review for any of these books up it will be linked on the title.

Yellow Brick War by Danielle Paige

All the books in the Dorothy must die! series are such a quick read even when they are not good books. This book was bad but not as bad as the second one. I liked better because there is a new character very interesting that I think can make the story improve significantly on the last book in the series. There is a review coming out in the following weeks, so far all you need to know is that I gave it 3 out of 5 stars.

Strange the Dreamer by Lanie Taylor

I´ve been meaning to read something by this author for quite a while now. She is kind of controversial because either you love her writing or you hate it. I bought this book as I told you in my last month wrap up because I have to reward myself for my patience in finding Lord of Shadows. The point is that finally I have read this book.

I like it. The concept of the story is cool and the story of the author was lovely but I have some problems with the book that come precisely from the writing style. All will be explained in detail on my review that comes out August 30th. To sum up a little I gave it 4 out of 5 stars.

Paseando entre los sueños. El reino de Lonen by Amanecer González Cantero

This book was given to me by the Publisher and i cannot be happier about it. Thanks to this book I have discovered a wonderful author who writes good fantasy. If you have been here for a while you´ll know I love a good fantasy book. I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars and if you know some Spanish go check my review and decide whether you want to read it or not (Spoiler Alert: You will want to read this book)

American Gods by Neil Gaiman

This book has been on my shelf for over a year now but I was really looking forward to reading it. It was just that somehow, I was intimidated by the book and I never ended up picking it up. This month I meet Evelina from Avalinah´s Books and we decided to do a Bossy Buddy Read (you can check all the info about that clicking here). She picked this book for me and I picked Red Rising for her.

About American Gods I can say that is a complex book that is not for everyone and still I really liked. The writing style of the author is unique and I think I could differentiate him from other authors. The reading was hard, my edition of the book is in English and even when I am somehow fluent is not my mother tongue and the style in this book was sometimes so full of metaphors that was quite hard to get the meaning of it. Overall, I gave this book 4 out of 5 stars and I will recommend for you guys to check my review by clicking on the title of the book

El actor Lucas Bilbo by Àngel Burgas

This book, as I have said earlier was given to me by the publisher. Unfortunately, is only on Spanish and I say unfortunately because I think this is the kind of book that everyone should read. It deals with some heavy topics that are present in our society whether we like it or not. I gave this book 4.5 out of 5 stars, check my full review if you are interested.

Throne of Glass by Sarah J.Maas

I read, or reread, this book as a part of a Buddy Read with some other Spanish bloggers. It was such a fun experience that I am looking forward to read more books with this girls.

This, as I have just said, was a reread for me, but I have highly enjoyed reading this book again. I love fantasy and I think I am always in the mood for it so it was amazing. I have some issues with the romance on this book, but overall, I think is amazing. I gave this book 4.5 out of 5 stars

As I told you in the book haul part of this post this book was given to me by the author and let me tell you guys that i cannot be more grateful for it. I told as I was talking about Paseando entre leyendas but I will say it again. Amanecer is such a great author and her amazing books deserved to be read by everyone.

In El Bosque Encantado we follow a young woman, who is about to get married, as she has to start a journey in order to save her father, he fiancé and her country from the evil Nothern King. I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars and if you speak Spanish you really need to read this book.

And that´s all that I have read this month; at least until July 28th. But I have to write this post in advance cause as I have said I am leaving on vacation from August 1st. Overall, I am very happy with what I have read both in quality and in quantity, especially considering that I was in a little reading slump.


As I am not going to be home and wont be having my shelfs with me my TBR for this month is going to be quite ambitious, because I will be gone for a month and is not like I can come back home easily to pick one more book to read.

The Game Theory a Very Short Introduction by Ken Binmore

I think I have already told you this but in case you miss it I will say again, just in case. Last semester I took a Game Theory course and I absolutely love it. I want to know a little bit more about the subject so I decided to buy this book. I will read it this summer so my brain does not relax entirely.

The Black Prism by Brent Weeks

I have already told you that my Godfather is such a lovely guy ang he gave this book. It´s a fantasy and I am all for it. The edition is a small one so is perfect to carry it to the beach.

Uprooted by Naomi Novik

Same explanation that for the last book applies to this one.

El Juego del Ángel by Carlos Ruíz Zafón

This book is the second part of The Shadow of the Wind and even hen i did not like the first one I Will be reading the second one because I am not quitter.

A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E.Schwab

This book is also a fantasy (I guess we can see a common topic in here) and I have been recommended to read by many people so I will be reading it this summer if I have the time to do it. As soon as it´s read there will be a review.

Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys

This book has been on my shelf for over a year. It´s historical fiction and is about something similar to what happened to the Titanic but during the Second World War. I will tell you guys when I am done with it.

Illuminae and Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

Both these books were given to me by mum during my name´s day. They Syfy and they have been highly recommended to me by Evelina so I am very much looking forward to dive into them.

The Dark Tower. The Gunslinger by Stephen King

This is a simple choice I want to rea the book before I see the movie and I want to see the movie as soon as it comes out.

Crown of Midnight by Sarah J.Maas

If last month I reread Throne of Glass this month I want to reread Crown of Midnight because I really want to go on with this series. Plus, even when I have already read this book I barely remember a thing because I had exams when I was reading the book.

El Pozo. Libro I de Arick by Pamela Pons Saez

This book was sent to me by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. It´s also fantasy and I am in a Fantasy mood as I think all of you have already find out. As soon as I can I will read it and write a review.

Sinfonía del Inframundo by Julia RIveros S.

This book was also given to me b the publisher and i am very much looking forward reading it. It´s a paranormal romance and Hades is involved on it. As soon as I read it I will tell you about it.

An I better stop adding books to my TBR because I dont think that I will be able to read 13 books, let alone a higher number. We shall see if I can defeat my TBR pile for August.

That was all for today. Let me know in the comment section what book have you got this month, what books have you read and which ones are you more exited to get during August.

See you all next Wednesday. 


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