Morning Star

Hey guys,
It´s been a while since I last talked about anything related to the RedRising Trilogy: that´s such a long time. So today I am bringing you my review of Morning Star, last instalment in the trilogy.

I have been waiting to read this book for such a long time, and so when I heard the book was coming out in Spain I was beyond happy. But Marta you usually read in English you might think. Yes, I do read a lot in English, but I have the other two books in Spanish and I love so much this books that I want to have them matching on my selves.

And I think the waiting have been worthy, cause now my selves look pretty and I have enjoyed the book so much. Before I start talking about Morning Star let´s stablish that if you havent read the previous instalments in the trilogy you should go and check those reviews first (Red Rising and Golden Son). This review will be spoiler free regarding Morning Star but it might contain some spoilers about Red Rising and Golden son, so if you keep reading it would be under your own responsibility.

I guess that the first thing that I must say is that I love how all the characters are portrayed not just in this book but in the trilogy overall. We meet them as teenager and we say goodbye to them when they are adults that have to make some pretty difficult choices and have realized that some things are not forever. I think that one of the things that I have enjoyed the most about Morning Stars has been that even when the book is still told from Darrow´s point of view it´s more focus on the rest of the characters and what those characters mean to him.

Another great thing about Morning Star is how good the rhythm of the narration is. Almost all the book is action but there are a few calm moments that arrives just at the perfect times. However, by saying that this moments are calm I may not be doing them justice, as they are really important for the plot. Every single one of the pages in the book is a plot twists that will blow you mind.

As I was mentioning earlier, the characters have grown a lot during the three books. But if its easy to note that in someone is in Darrow as he is the one with the biggest growth though out the series. If we pick Red Rising and check how Darrow was telling the things happening and compare that to Morning Star we will see so clearly that he does not think as a 16-year-old any more. I honestly that this is really good as it shows not only the development of Darrow as a character but, also the development of Pierce Brown as an author.

Regarding the story, it was everything I could have asked for and much more. I am not able to understand how pierce have managed to expand even more the very rich universe he has already created on the previous books.

Trust me when I tell you that there is something for everyone: there is action, romance, SyFy, dystopia, political intrigue

This book is a master piece, that at some point break my hard in thousand pieces. It´s the perfect closure for this trilogy that is now one of my all-time favourites. Morning Star was perfect in every single way; from page 1 to 668 (at least in the Spanish edition).

Obviously, I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars and I cannot wait for Iron Gold to come out in January 2018 (meaning I just have to wait 9 months, as if I was having a baby).

I have nothing left to say but once more tell you to read this books if you havent done it yet. If you have leave a comment down below with all your thoughts so we can discuss it, or just tell me on Twitter (@martapasperez1).

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See you all next Wednesday.


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