Crooked Kingdom

Hey guys,

It´s a new day! It´s a new life! A life in which I dont know how I have manage to read a book, less writing a review for it, as a matter of fact I am doing this review as I cook. I have been having a crazy month with test and project delivers for the university very week. Thank God I am a good planner.

However, I think the important topic is to talk about Crooked Kingdom the second and final book on the Six of Crows duology. It took me a couple of weeks to read it, not because I didnt enjoy it which I did, but because as I have said I had no time this pass month.

For those of you who havent read Six of Crows yet, it´s more than possible that you´ll find some spoilers about that book in this review, so I will recommend you to read instead my review of Six of Crows, then read the book if you feel like it (which you should) and then come back and read this review. And for those who have already read Six of Crows you can stay cause is going to be a spoiler free review.

And now without further do, let´s go and talk about Crooked Kingdom.

So, I could not wait to pick up this book, cause I loved Six of Crows so much and honestly I am really happy I did not wait for the book to came out in Spain in order to have the same edition, as my edition of this book is a paper back and is considerably less heavy than my hard cover of Six of Crows and therefore there was less of a chance of me getting hurt while reading.

Crooked Kingdom start just a week after all the events of Six of Crows and as usual Kaz is one step ahead of everyone, preparing a scheme to con who coned him. As for the rest of the characters, they are pretty much where we left them at the end of Six of Crows.

I am trying to be really careful, as the action in this book starts very early on and I really dont want to spoil anything to anyone. Because trust me when I say this, Crooked Kingdom is worth the reading.

The writing style is again magnificent and by adding the point of view of Wylan the story become even richer. This time we are in the head of our six main characters and thanks to that we get to know a little bit more about them and their feeling and about how they reached the point in which they are right now.

If I liked the world building in the previous book I have also loved it in Crooked Kingdom. The thing that I have liked the most about it, is that instead of create something even bigger, Leigh Bardugo take a step back and introduces us to Ketterdam. And she did a terrific job! This city it´s amazing and it feels like a character itself.

Concerning the characters, I must say that again I loved them all. But I have a week spot for both Nina and Kaz and those are for the more despair reasons and I cannot explain because I will be making spoilers.

And finally I think that the arc of the story and the plot are really good and I have really enjoyed reading this book. I liked all the plot twist and how the rhythm of the story is taken and actually, the plot is one of the reasons of my eternal love for Kaz.

I gave this book 4.5 out of 5 stars because even when I have really liked it and really enjoyed it, I felt that something was missing, and it was not at the same level of Six of Crows and because of what happen at the end of the book. If you have read it, you surely know what I mean, if you have not, as soon as you read the book you will understand why. But I will recommend to read this book if you enjoyed the first one and it´s actually a very good conclusion to the story.

Have you read this book yet? If so, what are your thoughts? If you havent read it yet, are you looking forward to it? Leave a comment down below so we can discuss it or tell me on Twitter (@martapasperez1). And do not forget to Follow the blog so you know when there is a new post coming out.

See you all next Wednesday.


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