Wrap Up June 2016

Another month has passed and actually I am so happy that this one has ended. It´s been a top month I witch I haven´t had a much time to read, the majority of my time have been speeded studying, so you can figurate it out why I am happy that this one is over.

This month I haven´t read as much as I used but considering all the things that I´ve done I am pretty happy with my mark: 8 books. It might be 9 if I do not have a tone of thing to do today but I have only read the 45% of the book that I am currently reading so I won´t be finishing it today becuse despite being on vacation i don´t have time. 

But enough of me rambling and let´s go with all the books I have read this month. It happens that this month I’ve been posting reviews of the books I read last month because there was so many of them that I want to talk about. But reviews for the majority of this are coming soon, starting tomorrow with a book review and a Giveaway so stay tuned for that.

This was the first book I read this month and even when I read the book in Spanish I decided to put the title in German in case some of you are from there. The title, at least for what it´s called in Spanish would be something like Thirteen Runes. I do not know if that stands for its real title, so if you know some German, leave a comment down below and tell me if the translation is correct. And yes, I am the girl who is going to be living in Germany and speaks not a single word of it.

I wrote a full review for this book but it´s in Spanish, in case you are interested on it, it´s liked on the title of the book as usual.

In this book we follow Sir Walter Scott who was a very well-known Scottish actor back in the day. He is trying to figurate out a series of mysterious events that lead him and his family to great danger.

As I said in my review I loved this book and gave it 4 out of 5 stars.

The second book  read this month was a reread for me. But it was so great, because even when I read the book last year I did not remember most of the details. This book was a birthday present because I tried to start Sky Key and did not remember a single thing. And because my mum it´s so nice and sometimes she listens to me she bought the book for me.

I wrote a full review, in this case it´s on English, with all my thoughts on the book and it´s linked on the title of the book. Overall I will say that it´s a very fun book to read because there is a lot of action happening. You do not have time to breath. i gave it 4 out of 5 stars.

Sky Key by James Frey

This book I bought it a while ago, the same day I bought Lady Midnight and I was really looking forward to see how the things continue after all what happened on The Calling. To be honest I gave this book 4 out of 5 stars because its last 100 pages are so good. 

But I talked about this book with a friend and he actually liked the whole book so I guess I might be the only one with those issues. Anyway a full review for this book it´s coming next week so staid tuned for that. 

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

I´ve finally read Outlander!! I´ve been meaning to read this book for such a long time, but I wasn´t able to find a copy anywhere. Finally I went to my favorite book store and there it was one of its shelves: calling me, waiting for me take it home. And so I did it.

My thoughts on Outlander are basically that I’ve loved the book but because I’ve seen the TV show I knew what was going to happen overall. Actually Outlander TV show it´s one of the greatest adaptations I’ve never ever seen. It´s faithful to the book on its majority.

I gave this book 4 out of 5 stars and I am really looking forward to read the second book on the series, as soon as I have money to buy it.

Song of the Blackbir by D.B. Michaels

I am not going to say nothing about this book, because you have a full review for it coming tomorrow. Well I will just tell you to stay tunned for this one!!

The Lesson of the Master by Henry James

So I´ve been trying to read more diversely and I decided I will read some classics this year. I haven’t completed those just yet but I will eventually. But I should have included some American classics because I am really enjoying those.

The lesson of the Master is a short novel in which we follow Paul Overt a young and successful writer. He gets to meet his idol, Saint George, who tries to teach him a lesson and in between he meets Marian Fancourt who he feels in love with.

I gave this book 4 out of five stars, but I do not like to review classics because I am pretty sure that they are classics for something. However you do not have to like them just because.

Then I decided to reread The Mortal Instruments series because I’ve been meaning to do it for a while now and a reread it´s always easy that the reading of a new book and with the hardest finals at the end of the month I needed all my brain focus on econometrics, financial statement analysis and that stuff.

As I said in my review (that is in Spanish just for the moment and link on the title) I was kind of disappointed by it because I remember to like it better the first time I read the book. But the main reason of my disappointed I think it´s because even when this book it´s not bad it´s less good that Clockwork Angel and Lady Midnight that are just two stunning and amazing first parts.

Overall this time I gave it 3 out of 5 stars.

To keep going with my reread I went for City of Ashes because I loved the Shadowhunters universe and if you have been following the blog for a while you might have notice it.
Reading City of Ashes I realized how much everything has grown. Not just the story and the characters but Cassandra Clare as an author.

I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars.

So those have been all the books that I have read during June What have you read? Do you have any 
recommendations for my July TBR?

If you have enjoyed the post subscribe or just follow me on my social media with ou can find here. I usually post every Tuesday in Spanish and every Friday in English, but there might be some post in between.

See you all soon. 


  1. I'm a huge fan of Shadowhunters as well! x

    1. Hard not to be a huge fan :). They are so good!! Which one do you like the best??


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