The Thruth About the Harry Quebert Affair

What is that thing that makes the difference between a good book and a great book? To be honest I don’t know but I am sure that it has to be something. Maybe is the writing or the way in which the story is told or maybe is because there are some people that are meant to be great writers as it is said in the Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair.

There are some authors that may produce one great book in their career but there are others, just a few, that are able to create masterpiece after masterpiece and I think that the later one is going to be the case of Joël Dicker. And yes, I’ve only read one book by him and yet I dare to say that he is going to be an exceptional author. But let´s not talk about him but about his work.

I´ve been hearing and reading such great reviews of this book; I was really looking forward to read it. Finally, in my birthday I got the book. And as I was checking the signings for La Feria del Libro de Madrid, I realized that Joël Dicker was coming. And I am one of those book collectors that love to have its book signed and get the chance to meet the author and talk with them about their works. The task now is finding a friend that is crazy enough to tolerate me in an environment full of books. My good friend Alicia (not the one that watches all the nerdy movies with me, but another one) is the one; she loves books as much as I do and I really enjoy talking about books with her. Her opinions are always so interesting and sometimes she helps to realized that there are some details that I haven´t notice.

So I texted her and she was free and we decided to meet. She told that she has already read the book and that it was nice. And as I said, she is someone I trust, particularly in bookish topics. My reading plans for the week are settled.

When I read the first few pages I was thinking: “OMG, this is something good” and as the pages were turned that thought was constantly in my mind. Not only the story is good, the writing is magnificent. And the structure of the book is so original. At least, I haven´t read anything like it. I mean, of course I have read a book that is written in both the first and the third person but, the chapters are turned, started by the last one like a countdown which actually goes pretty well with how the story goes.

And I think the main reason why I’ve love this book is because it´s a great book about great books. And the entire story goes around the mystery but also goes around the writing process and the issues that the authors face, especially if young with high success.

The story happens in a little town named Augusta in which 33 years ago there was an awful crime which never was solve. Now the corps of the young Nola has appeared and the case in reopened. Everybody seems to know something but none will talk about it out of fear.

I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars and I would recommend it to everyone. So if by any chance you meet a crazy girl who five minutes after meeting you starts talking about this book, you will know it’s me.

See you all soon. 


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