
Hey guys!

How is everything working out so far in 2018? I hope you are doing well. Today I am here to talk about a book which I was dying to read but that unfortunately disappointed me. Set book is It by Stephen King.

The story takes place in a little town called Derry. This town is violent, really violent; and there are some periods in which that violence goes even higher, that happens when It comes from wherever he is sleeping. The thing is that a group of kids decides to stop It and this is their story.

I read this book back in November and I took me 15 days to read it, because, lets be honest: this book is huge. I don´t know how it is with the English edition but in the Spanish edition there is 1504 pages. The length was one of the things that intimidated me the most, but at the end I ended up picking this book up and somehow, I regret it.

I am going to start by talking about the things that I did enjoyed about this book, and then I will go over the negative aspects of it.

What I have liked is the way in which the author creates tension and a constant mystery feeling, it trapped you into the story and you don’t want to put the book down. I found to be brilliant how there is a bunch of details spread throughout all the book and how you may not notice how relevant they are for the plot until you arrive to certain points. I also find to be a very accurate description of the time period in which the events take place.

And now into what I haven’t like.

I have been told that this is a horror book, and I, who am the biggest chicken on Earth, had not a single moment of fear when reading the book or a single nightmare after reading. Please note, that I only read before bedtime, so if the book was that scary I would have had some nightmares, right?

There is a bunch of unnecessary details. This book, as I have previously stated, is huge and not all the pages and details are indeed necessary for the plot. I think the book could have been shorter and it would have been better. The problem of the length is also related to the fact that the author is constantly opening new plots that are not relevant and that then are left forgotten and unsolved.

There are way too many characters, and this makes the reading experience confusing at times. And, truth to be told I don’t know why many of those characters are include in the story. This large cast make me not to know any character really.

The structure is really weird. This book is full of time jumps and the story is constantly interrupt by those secondary plots that are useless.

I was frustrated by the length of the book. I read at least 100 pages per day; however, is not the same reading 100 pages in a 400 pages book, because you have read 25% of the book than reading a 100 pages in a 1500 pages book because at the end of the day you haven’t even read 2% of the book. So even when you are reading a lot you don’t actually see the progress and you see that there is still a lot of book left to be read and it was extremely frustrating, at least for me.

The plot is not actually solved. At least not in a logical way that gives real closure to the store. I felt like the book ended because the author wanted so, not because it was finished. Mr. King solved the plot in a lazy way, just because it was convenient for him to finish (deus ex maquina). This annoyed me a lot, because as I said there are tons of secondary plot that are left unsolved.

Besides I hated the way in which the kids are saved from It the first time [SPOILER] Can anyone explain to mw what is the reasoning behind it? Seriously I don’t see how six 11-year-old boys having sex with a girl of also 11 is de solution [END OF THE SPOILER]. I think is the most misogynist thing I have ever read. And only thinking of it I get extremely mad. I can understand some insults and some language, but not the solution, that honestly is not a solution, does not solve anything and does not make the book any better.

Overall, I gave this book 2 out of 5 stars despite have enjoyed quite a lot the first 1000 pages. However, the last 500 were just so terrible that ruined everything for me.
Have you read it yet? Are you looking forward to it?

See you all in my next post.


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