Three Words Promised

Hey guys,

Here I am one more week and as you can see is Tuesday instead of Wednesday as usual. No, I am not changing the days in which I post on the blog. It´s just that today is the book birthday of Three Words Promised by Ingrid Seymour and I am bringing you my review today in order to wish a very happy book birthday to this book.

So, if you have been here for a while now, you´ll know that for the past couple of months I have been talking about the Djinn Empire trilogy by Ingrid Seymour. You can check my reviews for One Wish Away and Two Hearts Asunder (books 1 and 2 respectively) by clicking on their titles. The thing is that I have joined the ARC team and received an early copy of Three Words Promised in exchange for an honest review. And here I am willing to tell you all my feelings about this book. Spoiler alert: I have love it!

As it´s book 3 in the series I will recommend you to stop reading this review if you havent yet read books 1 and 2. This will be a spoiler free review regarding Three Words Promised but as it´s the final book on the trilogy there might be some spoiler as far as the events of the previous books go.

And now without further ado let´s talk about Three Words Promised.

Guys, let me start by saying that after the ending of Two Hearts Asunder I was literally dying to read the next book. However, I was somehow apprehensive about it; I have grown quite an affection for this character and I know that sometimes concluding a series can end up in disaster. Certainly, this time it did not.

Three Words Promised starts really strong, right into the action just a few days after the events of Two Hearts Asunder. Marielle and Faris have been trying to defeat the evil Akeelah but it´s time for the final battle. Will they be able to save the wold and their love?

And let me tell you that if you are not dying to read this book after my very quick summary you should for several reasons if not just because I am recommending you this book.

First of all, if you have reach to the point in which you have read the first two books in this series you should be dying to read this third book. We all know that Two Hearts Asunder finish which a plot twist that leaves our hearts uneasy.

Secondly you should read it because it´s the perfect conclusion for the trilogy. As I was saying earlier on this review, finding good conclusions to trilogies and series is often hard. This is the kind of conclusion that you need in your life even if you don´t know you need it.

Also take into consideration the writing style. I think we should stop a minute to value the hard work that the author has put behind this book. I have loved the style for many things but mostly because it helps the characters to grow into you. I mean, there are several points of view, but Marielles´and Faris´are in the first person and they are not just telling their story but thanks to the style you get a true feeling of those character and you can almost feel like this amazing story was happening to you. I love the way in which Ingrid is using the chapters told by these two particular characters to define their personalities and their arcs in the story.

The plot flows smoothly thanks mostly, to the amazing writing style that I have just mentioned but is not just that. The author has a way. She introduces plot twists when you dont expect them; you dont see those coming and still they make perfect sense and work perfectly for the story.

And I cannot finish my review without making a couple of quick comments. My first comment is Romeo and Juliet, certainly when you read the book you will understand what I mean. My second comment is for the end of the book, it was perfect and so beautifully written.

Overall, I gave this book 4.5 out of 5 stars. So, I strongly recommend you pick up this book. If you enjoyed the Tiger´s Curse series or you enjoy paranormal romance in general you will really enjoy this trilogy. I have a great time reading these books and for sure I will be reading more books by the author as soon as I can.

I will leave you here the link to purchase the book for you to be able to go and buy it as soon as you finish reading.

To finish this post I would like to thank the author for giving me the chance of joining her ARC review team.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this trilogy so leave a comment down below.

See you all next week on our usual date on Wenesday.


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