April Book Houl and Wrap up + May TBR

Hey guys,

Unfortunately, April ended. That means that finals are coming close by the day and I really dont want that to happen. I have a good reading month I´ve read 4 books and some I have like and others I dont have, however I have really good month in the buying book terms so before I told you what I have read I am going to tell you what books I have purchase this month, because I cannot resist to have my TBR increasing by the minute.

Firstly, I did an Amazon order and only two days later I had those books on my doorstep.
The Rose Society by Marie Lu
This book is the second instalment in The Young Elites trilogy and I was dying to have it and read it. I have already read this one but I will tell you a little bit more in the Wrap Up part of the post.
Traitor to the Throne by Alwyn Hamilton
I received a review copy of Rebelof the Sands back in February. It was not a bad read, not my favourite one either. The story was interesting enough for me want to pick up the second book in the trilogy. I found it really cheap on Amazon and I could not resist my book buying impulses. I have yet to read this one but I will get there eventually
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
I have been meaning to buy this book for a very long time I´ve heard nothing but great reviews. However, dont ask me what the book is about because I have no idea. I like to go into book blind and I intend to that with this one.

Then I went to one of my favourite bookstores on my own cause I wanted to reward myself for having a very good grade in an exam that I have studied like crazy for so I bought.
The Wicked Will Rise by Danielle Paige
I will talk about in further detail about this book on the Wrap Up part of the post, but a little praise about what´s going to happen: I have not like this book.
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Steveson
I read this book back in school, an adaptation of it but the thing is that I dont remember a single thing about it. I found a very beautiful edition and it was super cheap, only 3 and I have to purchase it.

Then I went back with my mum to my favourite library because she is a very nice woman with lots of patience and I bought:
Yellow Brick War by Danielle Paige
If you have been here for a while now you´ll know that I am masochist like that and unless is something that I think it has not possible fix I will keep reading the series until the end. However, I think this book is going to be better than its predecessor as the end of The Wicked Will Rise seem to be the only interesting thing about the book.
Dracula by Bram Stoker and King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table by Roger Lancely Green
The conversation that lead to the purchase of both these books was as follows:
Look There are some pretty classics editions
Mum: Ok
I run (literally) towards the shelve in which the books are storage
They have some Dostoyevsky. But Here is Jane Eyre!
Mum: There is something about King Arthur here
OMG, It´s so pretty! I´m buying it
I look up and see a GORGEOUS edition of Dracula
How can it be that I have yet to read Dracula, Mum?
Mum: Buy both of them and let´s go out of here before you buy the whole store.

Then I received a couple of books for review, which I am really grateful for:
Two Hearts Assunder by Ingrid Seymour
I contacted the author asking for a review copy of it and after joining her ARC Review team she gave one cop of this book. And God I am grateful for in the Wrap Up part of the post you can see all my thought about this book. And of course, on the review that´s is coming out this month.
Select by Marit Weisenberg
I received an ARC of this book via NetGalley. It is coming out in October but I am so happy that I will be able to read it sooner because it sounds really interesting. Apparently, it´s about this girl who belong to a race of superhumans, but she is not allowed to show her powers to the world Until she does it accidentally and then she is punished to go to a public high-school.

I bought some eBooks for my kindle (just because I have not enough with all the books that I have previously purchased.
Beatiful Redemption by Jamie McGuire
When I read Beautiful Disaster I absolutely love it and then I read Walking into Disaster and love the story once again. This is the second book on The Maddox Brothers series and I have yet to read the first book (actually I have yet to purchase it, but you know small details); nevertheless, I think the books in this series are companions, that I dont need to read the first one before this. I found this bargain and I could not resist to pick it up.
Dragon Rose by Christine Pope
I dont have a single clue about the plot of this book but the cover was pretty and it has the word dragon on the title. Is there anything else left to say?
La sonrisa del Claro de Luna by Julien Aranda y Breatriz Villena
I had the chance to pick a book out of 4 for free. I picked this one up because it seem interesting at the time.
She Owns the Knight by Diane Darcy
In the synopsis, it said that it this book there was time travel. Are further explanations needed?

And finally I went shopping with my mum and she bought me a gorgeous edition of Mansfield Park by Jane Austen because of my recent obsession to collect beautiful classics editions.

And now into the Wrap Up part of the post.
A Court of Thornes and Roses by Sarah J.Maas
This was the first book that I read this month and to be honest I like it but I dont think that is an amazing book. I was shock by it, cause I was expecting something in the line of Throne of Glass: a fast pace read, instead there is nothing happening for the majority of this book. Overall I gave this book 3 out of 5 stars and I am going to continue with the series because I bought both first and second book at the same time, just because. You can check my full review by clicking on the title of the book.
The Wicked Will Rise by Danielle Paige
This book was such a big disappointment. I really loved the first instalment on this series but in this book, there is absolutely no plot, and somehow there some instaromance, coming out of nowhere. I gave this book 1 out of 5 stars, but I intend to keep reading the series because I do not quit a series until I am done with it. I will be posting a review on the next few weeks.
The Rose Society by Marie Lu
I absolutely love this book. It was all that I was expecting for it to be and more. I enjoyed the concept of this series very much; instead of following the stereotypical hero we are following the path of a villain and it´s great. I gave this book 4.5 out of 5 stars and I will be posting a review for it this month.
This is a book by a Spanish author, that I was Reading with Noe from Entre Páginas y Letras and I did not like it. If you know some Spanish you can check my review for it if you want by clicking on the book title. I gave this book 1 out of 5 stars.
Two Hearts Assunder by Ingrid Seymour
As I haven mentioned earlier I was given this book by the author in Exchange of an honest review. I will be posting a full review in the upcoming weeks, but so far, I can tell you that I have loved this book and really enjoyed it; even more than One Wish Away. I will really recommend you to read this book if you are into the paranormal romance genera. I gave this one 4.5 out of 5 stars.
King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table by Roger Lancely Green
I have been fascinated with the King Arthur myth since I can remember. That´s why this book was a huge disappointment for me. All the stories within it were pretty much the same and when it became more interesting the book just finished. I think it would have been better if instead of been so heavy on the golden years of the Round Table, the focus were in the fallen of the kingdom. Overall I gave this book 2 out of 5 stars, but I will be reading the main sources in which this book is based on. 

And regarding of what I am planning to reading in May, I will be really fast, cause this post is now super long and besides the notes of my uni courses I only know for sure that I am going to read.
A great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray
I have already read this book a few years ago (when I was in high school) but this month I am again partnering with Noe over Entre Páginas y Letras for our book club and we decided to read this book.

So that was all that I have to say for today. I will like to know what books have you purchase this month, what have you read and what you are planning on reading. Leave me a comment down below so we can discuss.

See you all next Wednesday! 


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