Interview with Ingrid Seyour

Hey guys,

Todays post is a little bit different. Today I am bringing you an author interview. I contacted Ingrid Seymor author of the Djinn Empire and she kindly asked all my questions. And since this Wednesdays´ post will be the review of Two Hearts Asunder I thought it will be nice if you can know a little bit more about the author.

But before you read this interview take into consideration that you should all go and read One Wish Away if you haven´t yet cause these books are amazing. And in case you want to check my review you can do it by clicking on the title of them.

First things first, tell us a little bit about you, so we can get to know you a little bit deeper.

Thank you for hosting me in your blog. It is a pleasure to be invited here. Its fantastic to encounter passionate book readers and bloggers who give authors like me these opportunities. When I first started writing 10 years ago, I never imagined it would be such a rewarding experience in so many levels, and that I would meet all the wonderful people I have met. Ten years is a while, though I only decided to publish four years ago. I started out by publishing 2 New Adult novels which allowed me to learn much about self-publishing. Since, I have focused entirely on my young adult books which are what I most enjoy. I hope for my career to grow, but at the moment, I am only a part-time author who very desperately needs her day job :)

I have seen that you are a software engineer, it´s something that seems not so related to writing. How did you start to write?

Those things are two polar opposites, arent they? It seems that computers are all about logic and writing is all about creativity. For the most part that is true, though those two skills are certainly useful in both fields. Its hard to explain why I write. I dont think I decided to do it. Its more like something that was in me, and it just had to come out. Since I was teen, stories have tried to come out of me, but back then I didnt have the discipline that writing a novel requires. In my case, I had to grow up to achieve it.

I have seen on your webpage that you are an avid reader of YA fiction, is there any book that you would like everyone to read besides from yours?

Anyone who loves YA needs to read Daughter of Smoke and Bones or any of Laini Taylors books. She is extremely talented. My favorite YA author, for sure.

As a reader, I have found your style really interesting, I have loved the merge of the new and the old (mostly through Faris) and the way you describe things. Have you ever fell for anothers authors style? If so, did you find yourself influenced by its style?

Thank you! It makes me SO happy that you are enjoying Faris in the Djinn Empire series. Yay! To answer your question, I will have to say that I have definitely fallen for Laini Taylor. Her style is unique and refreshing. As far as influence, I think Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi showed me that its okay to be daring with your words in YA. Since, I havent been afraid to use any simile or metaphor.

Even when I have only read the Djinn Empire by you (for now), I have seen that you have publish 10 books, all within different genres. What is your favourite genre to write?

I like it all, and I think that is a problem. LOL. But I guess if I have to choose, I would say that most of my stories tend to be urban fantasies or paranormal.

The first book in the Djinn Empire trilogy just came out in February and the second book came out April 4th, how do you manage to write so fast and with such quality?

I wish I could tell you I write fast, that would be awesome! But the truth is that I have been working on this trilogy for a whileI just didnt publish it right away. I first wrote One Wish Away in 2009. It has changed a lot since, but its not a new project. I also was working on some of my other series at the same time. In the 10 years I have been writing, I have written 12 full-length novels, but I just started publishing them. That is why I was able to do this series so quickly.

Related to the previous questions, I have seen that you have unless another 3 releases schedule for this year (I mean, just wow), what can we expect first? Is there any of those books that you are more excited for the readers to have?

Yes! This is a crazy year. Ive been calling it the year of the trilogies. All the final books for my 3 trilogies will come out this year as well as an additional standalone novel. (Of, course the Djinn Empire trilogy was all published this year) It is very exciting! If I have to pick one book for this year, it would have to be Weaver, the final book in The Morphid Chronicles. It is the book that I get most questions about. I get many emails from my readers asking when it will come out. Its a very cool feeling :)

What is next for you? Are you planning to keep writing YA/New adult or you might like to change to adults literature? Or maybe are you planning to write a physiological thriller?

I plan to keep on writing YA. That is my favorite genre to read and write. There is something about the sense of adventure and the discovery the characters go through that I enjoy very much. Currently, I am working on the first draft of Weaver. Once I finish with it, I will begin on a YA fantasy idea that I am dying to write. So fun!

I know this is a hard question, but is there any of your book that you are particularly proud of? One that you like more than the rest?

It is hard to pick, you are right, but I guess I can say that I like Ignite The Shadows a bit more than the others. The concept is unique and Marci, the main character, is a strong, independent girl that comes alive on the page. I really enjoyed writing this series. This one is published by HarperCollins while all my other novels are indie.

Thank you very much for answering all my questions but I have one left, which is the question that you'd like to be asked? And its answer?

What is your biggest dream? My biggest dream is to become a full-time author and make enough to simply pay the bills. J

I am really grateful to Ingrid for answering all my questions. And I can´t let you go without telling you once more to read her books. I will leave you links to Ingrid´s website, Twitter, as well as the purchasing book for the books in the Djinn Empire series. 

Ingrid´s website:

Twitter. @Ingrid_Seymour

See you all next Wednesday. 


  1. ¡Hola Marta!
    Me encanta la última pregunta, qué salada la autora jajaja. Las portadas son súper chulas, y me entran muchísimas ganas de leerme One wish away, pero no están publicados en España, ¿no? Creo que voy a rezar muy mucho para que lo hagan, aunque igual me toca leerlos en inglés.
    ¡Muy buena entrevista!
    ¡Un besote, guapa!
    Patri de Written in the Sand 💖💖

    1. ¡Hola Patri!
      No creo que los publiquen en España, porque como dice Ingrid son libros autopublicados, pero la verdad es que no tienen un inglés difícil, aunque en algunos puntos aparecen unas contracciones un poco raras, pero en cuanto te pones y, te metes en la historia se entiende :).
      Un beso guapa :).
      ¡Nos leemos!


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