The Bane Chronicles

As I said on my March TBR I want to read the Bane Chronicles and actually it was such a quick read. I read all 10 books within two days and I have exams, papers to deliver and a bunch of class hours. I did enjoy the books but it’s not the best that Cassandra Claire has written. Magnus is such a rich and funny character and we do not get to know him even a little. I have the same information now that before reading The Bane Chronicles.

I want to talk about it deeply, so I am going to speak about each book individually. It might be some spoilers ahead so if you keep reading and get spoiled you´ve been warned in advance.  

What Really Happened in Peru

I gave 3 out of 5 stars to this book but I have to recognize that it is only because Magnus is in the book. The main plot-line in this story is that there is not plot-line at all. However I have to recognize that there are some points in which the story turns out so funny.

The best of this book is the part in which Ragnor and Magnus went into a pirate ship and end up in bird poo. Also it is very funny the part in which Magnus decides that he wants to be a cactus.

The Runaway Queen

This book is much more interesting than its predecessor. Paris is the ideal place for Magnus, especially during the 18th and 19th Century, when the French Revolution happened. Is so nice that even when we do not get many information about Magnus we at least see a little piece of history.

There is a thing that I strongly dislike about this book and some of the others in this series is that it implicates that Magnus have a type of men. It´s like at the end Alec is no so special, actually he looks a lot like Axel.

As in What Really Happened in Peru it has some funny plot twist, however not as much as the first one. The style improves significantly but this one is much darker, of course it has to be because of the historical context. 

I gave this book 3 out of 5 stars.

Vampires, Scones and Edmud Herondale

This one was so far the best book; I gave it 4 out of 5 stars. This time the story is set in London and we follow Will´s father and his love story that is mentioned in the Infernal Devices series. In this case we get to know a little bit more of the background of Will but not that much.

Is the moment in which the Accords were first signed and we get to see how Magnus meet Camille. We also get to see what happened when a shadowhunter is dishonored and send away. And obviously we get to see how cool is Magnus cause he wants to help even when he is not able to do it so.

The best part about this one is when Magnus (even when it’s not himself telling the story) narrates the fight scenes. And that is so funny!

The Midnight Heir

I gave this one 5 out of 5 stars because the 4th book in the Bane Chronicles is much darker and follows a revenge story. It has some interesting new characters and some new characters. I like how this books implicates a resemblance in all the members in the Herondale family, let´s be honest both Will and Jace are serious assholes in the beginning of their respectively stories.

Ragnor Fell is back in this book and is funny se the bets that he makes with James. Also is funny the when James is drunk and he is in the park talking to the ducks when he was drunk.  But the best part of it was when Magnus said that he have bad memory for the Lightwoods.

Of course is so nice to see some of the characters of The Infernal Devices series, actually all the main. And of course the end with Grace and her adoptive mother seeking revenge for the death of Benedict Lightwood.

The Rise of the Hotel Dumort

This one was a big down consider how much fun I had reading the 3rd and 4th books in these series. The thing that I enjoyed the most about this one was that it is settled in the Crash of 1929. I like how the authors are relating the historical events with Magnus because for the rest of the book I did not like anything.

Saving Raphael Santiago

I do not like this book and I have strong reasons for it, I do not like Raphael Santiago. Is my least favorite character of the Shadoworld. I do like Valentine and Sebastian better than Raphael, just saying. I gave this book 2 out of 5 stars.

The story is settled in New York I think in the late 50s. And it follows the transformation of Raphael from human to Vampire. And I have to say, he is such a pain in the ass. To be honest if I were Magnus I would leave him alone and forget about him. Besides this story is so poor in everything, the style the plot…

The Fall of the Hotel Dumort

The 7th book in The Bane Chronicles was just awful and I am truly sorry for saying that because I really like Cassandra Clare as an author. I not going to talk that much about this book I am just going to say one thing. Vampires being addicted to cocaine because of the blood of the mundanes had been infected? Obviously I gave this book 1 out of 5 stars.

What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything

This book is funny and cute at the same time. Let me elaborate a little more. I like that Magnus is starting to realize that he might have feelings for Alec. I also liked the fact that we get the chance to see Magnus with one of his clients even when he dislikes her so much. Izzy is here and she is being nice to Magnus because she knows about him and her brother. And the ending when Alec went to visit Magnus is just the cutest. The funny part is in charge of the demon that Magnus have to summon to his client. For all that I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars.

The Last Stand of the New York Institute

I LOVED this book. We have a chance to see the Circle and Valentine. This book I consider to be the better of all The Bane Chronicles. In one hand we have the chance to know a little bit more about Magnus, even when we already know that he is such a hero. In the other hand we can see a little bit of the previous events to The Mortal Instruments series. 

I liked so much that this story is much more than just a good fight between Valentine and the Circle members and the shadowhunters in the Institute. I really like how Magnus is able to forgive but not to forget and the fact that he and Tessa keep in touch after all those years.

Obviously this book was  5 out of 5 stars.

The Course of True Love (and First Dates)

I had so much fun reading this book. I was laughing so hard that the people around me stared at me as if I was crazy (I am, is just that they shouldn´t know about it). For all the fun I had while reading it I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars.

There are so many things that I like about this that I do not even know where to begging with. All that happened in the Underground: the singers, Alec acting as a “ninja”, and Magnus´ pocket.
Magnus pocket is just the best thing ever! It bites people!!

To sum up I will say I did enjoy The Bane Chronicles. It was a fun and quick read to take my mind out of school stuff. However I feel like I do not know anything new about Magnus and it’s a shame. Magnus is such a rich and complex character that telling his story could of be an amazing book or series. These books are funny but certainly not amazing.

Any way it´s had been so long since I read anything by Cassandra Clare that I have forgotten how much I do enjoy her books. So the moment I finished with the last book of this series I decided to re-read all her previous book and in doing so prepare myself to read Lady Midnight with all details fresh and in doing so I will bring full review of all those books (it might take me a while)

I recommend this one to all the lovers of the Shadoworld. In average The Bane Chronicles were:

Have you read The Bane Chronicles? What are your thought on it? Leave a comment in the comment section down below. And see you all soon. 


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