Wrap up March 2016

Before I started to talk about my wrap up I will like to say that I will still posting on Fridays and I will try to posted as well on Wednesdays if college is not keeping me to busy, cause my few vacation days are over now. And as I previously say I will try to post other days besides those two if I do have time. But with no further do let´s go with the wrap up.

This month I´ve read I huge amount of books; actually I would say that is the most I’ve read in my entire life in just one month.  This March I´ve read 21 books and I´ve read all the books I meant to. So I am going to start talking about these books now because otherwise this is going to be such a long post.

The Strain was the first book I completed during this month and I was entertain at reading it but it wasn´t my favorite book. As I said on its review it’s a book that doesn´t tell anything. You can see my full review on this book by clicking on the title. I gave this book 3 out of 5 stars because it had something that keep me reading and that´s something.

Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy by Cassandra Claire and Sarah Rees Brennan

I really enjoy this book. It was so short and I will bring a full review of this one as soon as I´ve read the other books in the Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy series. I gave Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy 4 out of 5 stars cause is the first book, it was to short and is just a blink into the Academy.

Una chica de asfalto by Carla Crespo

As I might have said some time, I am from Spain and I read some books by Spanish authors. This one I picked up while I was bored at home with the flu. And I have to say that it was a completely wasted of my time. I did not enjoy the story to be honest. Is just another romantic novel full with clichés. I gave this book 2 out of 5 stars.

I really enjoyed this book even when it took me a while to go thought it. It is a beautiful story with a beautiful writing style and amazing characters. I end up giving it 4 out of 5 stars because I consider the end to be so rush. If you are interested you can read my full review by clicking on the title of the book.

Eeny Meeny by M.J.Ardidge

I am so sorry to say this but this is actually the worst book I´ve ever read. Is awful, I wasn´t able to empathized with the main character. I liked better the killer than Grace and that´s an awful thing to say. This book belong within a series that I won´t be finishing. I gave this book 1 out of 5 stars because of the trees that have been killed to print this book.

I read all 10 books in The Bane Chronicles in two days, considering that in those days I had test and papers to deliver and a lot of tasks for University. I ended up giving all The Bane Chronicles 3.5 out of 5 stars because even when there was a few tales that I enjoyed a lot I finished the book not knowing anymore about Magnus which was the reason why I started to read these books in the very first place.  I think because I see who writes each of the tales that actually the ones that I gave 5 out of 5 stars are the ones that are writing only by Cassandra Clare. Nobody can know better a character that its own creator. If you want to read my full review click on the title.

This one if a re-read that remained me how much I loved Cassandra Clare as a writer. I gave this book once again 5 out of 5 stars. If you want you can read my full review on the book by clicking on the title.

Central Park by Guillaume Musso

I absolutely love this book. My mum gave it to me because she is so nice. I´ve been chasing it from the very first time I saw it.

It is a thriller that won´t allow you to figurate what is going to happened net. I gave this book 4 out of 5 stars. And as soon as I can I will write a full review for it and liked here as usual on the title.

La chica de Pablo by Naiara Dominguez

I did not like this book; in fact I gave 2 out of 5 stars as you can see on my Goodreads profile (which you can see by clicking on Goodreads). This books is written by a Spanish author and I really do not want to say this cause is going to look as if in Spain we don´t have good writers when in fact we do have. But it was awful: the writing, the story, and the characters.

For those who have read After by Anna Tood it was so much like it. Except for the fact that the main character is a famous singer and he fall for a fan after only see her one time for like 5 minutes.

I wrote a full review for this book so you can go and see it by clicking on the title. A fast recap will be that I fell in love with this book again. I was reading and right after a drama, or even in the middle of one, I could be laughing so hard because one of the comments a character made. I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars all over again.

At this point of the month I was amuse about how much I have read already. I started to read clockwork Princess that is a big book, to be honest, believing I would not fished in time to put it this wrap up. And I re-read the final book in The Infernal Devices Series in two days and just because the morning after the first day I have wake up early because I was meeting with a friend. You can read my full review on the book by clicking on the title.

This is the last book I read on March and I have to say that I love it so much. I jumped into it with very high expectations because all the reviews that I heard about Passenger were good. But actually is better than good is terrific.

I gave it 5 out of 5 stars, and you can read my review tomorrow I will liked it here and you will be able to access it by clicking on the title.

And that´s it for the month of March, which I think it’s the month in which I´ve read the most in my entire life (and here I was thinking I could no possible read more than in January).

What have read during March? Do you have any recommendations? Leave a comment down below and subscribe to get notice when a new post comes out.

See you all soon. 


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