TBR March 2016

So as all of you should know we´ve been in March for a few days now. However never is to late for a TBR. For those of you that don´t know what a TBR is, the explanation is simple: a TBR is a pile of To Read Books.

During this month, at least in my university all the teachers decide that is good moment to fill us with a bunch of work. Aparently is the moment in which they realized that is already the half of the semester. However nothing is gonna keep me from reading and therefore here is my little TBR for the month of march. And since there is been a few days in this month already I am half way through some of these books (I´ve even fineshed a couple already).

All the light we cannot see by Anthony Doerr

I decided I want to read a few of all the genre during this year. I want to read books that had win awards and I also want to read books that are not so loved by the critics (not the case of this one).

All the light we cannot see won the Pulitzer in 2015 and as reading the sinopsis I feelt the story calling me. This books narrates the problems of two characters during World War II, and aparently these characters have nothing in common, in fact one of them is french and the other one is German. So far is fascinating, I´ve read half of the book already and I am really looking foward to pick it up again. 

Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy by Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan

I loved all the books in The Mortal Instruments series so in order to be able to wait until i can laid my hands in Lady Midnight I started to read this novellas that follows Simon´s life. 

The story is settled after all the events of City of Hevenly Fire. And I cannot say that much because I wouldn´t want to spoil anything for those who haven´t finish that series but I have to say that so far I enjoy very much the evolution of Simon´s character. Obiously this one I have already finished and I love it. 

The Strain by Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan

I´ve owned this book for quite a while now. It was a present from my Godfather who is always giving me books (yes I do know how nice that is). But at that time, when the book first came out it was not the type of literature I was interested in. 

So a couple of weeks ago as I was ordering my bookselfs I found it and decided to read it. I´ve already finish this one already too. I enjoyed but definitely not one of my favourites. Wait for the review of this book that I will bring you soon. 

Una chica de asfalto by Carla Crespo

As I´ve said before I am spanish and therefore there will be some books by spanish authors in my TBR piles. This one i´ve already read too. I did not enjoy it very much. The story was too much a cliché: girl meets boy, boy meets girl and all of the sudden they fall in love, they have a nonsense problem so they can find out how much they love each other and happily ever after.

Eeny Meeny by M.J. Alidge

This one is another present by my amazing Godfather. He loves mistery novels and that´s why that´s the kind of books he is always getting me, because I am the only one in the family who loves this types of books as well. 

In am half way through this one actually, and so far I am not enjoying it very much. I found it to be not too focus on the main plotline and is so frustrating to realized what´s gonna happen way before the things actually happen. However as I am one of those reader that never quit a book I will finish it. 

Passenger by Alexandra Braken

I´ve so many good things about this book that I cannot wonder what is it with this book that everyone loves it so I bought it. I have not read any of the previous works of the author, but I am really looking foward to see if I enjoy this one as much as other people have. 

The story seems to be about time travel and follows Etta a violin prodigy who one night loses all she has known. Aparently she came from a family that, by the way, she had never ever heard about and since that night she is involved with them. 

The Bane Chronicles by Cassandra Clare

As many other people I love Magnus Bane, so I am going to be reading all the Bane Chronicles during this month. I am really looking forward to get there. I do not know much about this book and I want to keep it that way. I want to be surprised by it and hopefully love it. I will bring a full review about it as soon as I read it. 

And that´s it for  my TBR for the month of March. However this doesn´t mean that I might not read some other books or that I don´t read them all. This month I am trying a new way of reading; usually I would not pick up a book until I´ve finished the other one, this month I am trying to read several books at the same time, so I would pick up one or the other acording to my mood. Let´s see how it goes. And on Friday I will bring you a review. 

Which books are you planning on reading this month? Do you have any recomendations? Leave a comment in the coment section down below. 


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