The Battlemage

Hey guys!

It turns out that this week it´s the turn for that review that I was so excited about. Finally!

If you have been following our Instagram this summer you will know that I enter a competition that was Harry Potter based in which reading book that were part of the same series will give you more points. Because I am all for the team and all for wining I decided that I would be reding a trilogy to get more points for my team. I chose The Summoner Trilogy because it have been on my shelves for quite some time and I really wanted to read it but never ended top picking it up. 

It was a good choice, in fact it was a great choice but the thing is that now that I am done with the series I am mourning because I won’t be able to rediscover the world for the very first time ever againt. Nevertheless I am really happy to have read this series because now I have a new favorite and I will pick anything that Taran Matharu publishes. 

But bought rambling and lets go to the actual review. This is book 3 in the series so please even when this will be a spoiler free review with regards to this book you might find spoilers for book 1 and 2. If you have yet to read The Novice or The Inquisition you can check my reviews of those by clicking on its respective titltes. 

And now without further ado, lets jump into the actual review. 

The Battlemage starts right after The Inquistion. Fletcher is jumping into the ether running away from the orcs because is all they can do. Luckily and despite the betrayal they suffered they have found the way to survive in the ether for a long period of time. But they have to go back and let all the empire knot that the Triumvirate is corrupt and at the same time stop the war with the orcs. Is Feltcher the chosen one? The prophecy seems to say so. 

So if you follow us on Instagram I am pretty sure that you have seen me raving about this trilogy non.stop it was such a great read. And fun fact when I posted the picture about this book we get a like and a comment from the author, is anything better than that? Well, technically reading the trilogy. 

This is a YA fantasy and I think that is focus for the younger section but that doesn’t diminish my enjoyment of it. I think that this trilogy fills between middle grade and YA. 

So as i have been saying on my previous reviews I love the characters because they are great even when at times they are simplistic. What I mean by this is that they are either evil or great there are not in-betweens. However is something that helps the story to be easy as it has a lot of social commentary regarding important issues such as racism and feminism.

I loved Fletcher because he is such an enjoyable character to read from. I love how he is able to stand for what he belives and he is ok asking help when he needs it. However the asking help part has come with the development of the character. In the first book we found a little boy that was scared of something that went wrong that was likely to ruin his life; however in this book he is able to forget about his pride and ask his enemies for help. I love the arc this character has and how is very clear throughout all the trilogy that he is growing but in this book it was way more obvious than in the previous ones. 

As I have been saying on and on I want to have Ignatus for myself. He is among my top “pet” companions and he is only behind Toothless, but honestly is anyone able to top Toothless? I don’t think so. 

The rest of the character have also grown as the story progresses. Also as we have learn more about their cultures and their reason we are able to understand them better. And this is something that I want to stand out because we get all this just from Fletcher´s perspective. That's good writing and I dare you to say otherwise ;P. 

As for the plot I think it´s very well thought. Each book had its individual plot line but at the same time each plot line is important for the overall storty. I love how this one was more focus on the politics and how some things that happened many years ago are affecting the politics now. 

The path of the story was great as it doesn’t let you to put down the book at any second. Also please be aware that also as you see the story unraveling you have an extremely bing feeling of nostalgia of Harry Potter, the Lord of the Rinigs World of Warcraft, The Hunger Games and all of those. 

Overall I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars because it was superfine to read. Now I just have to cope with the sadness of finishing a beloved trilogy that I won’t get to read for the first time again. But I will be rereading for sure. Also I will be reding anything that Taran Matharu comes out with. Thank God as I am writing this review I still have left The Outcast and another book settled in a completely different word which is the beginning of a new trilogy. 


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