

Again this is not the review I was planing for, but as I am trying to do things in order is the one you get because I finished this book before the one I am dying to talk about. But hey, in this way the expectation grows, right? I am pretty sure that next week review is the one I am dying to write for you guys. 

So trains are boring and that’s a know fact by humanity. I tried to be a good blogger and use my train ride to vacationland to write post and all that stuff but I got dizzy because unless I am driving I got dizzy in pretty much every single transport that ever existed. And as blogging was out of the picture I decided that I would listen my audiobook because reading my physical book was also a cause of dizziness. 

I wasn’t expecting to love this book as much as I did. In fact I was expecting to like it but I thought it would be just another cheesy book to pass time. Instead I found a really funny book that is perfect for all of us who grow loving Princess Diares. Yes the Anne Hathaway movies.

In this book we follow Daisy the sister of the girlfriend of the prince of Scotland. She kind of gets involve in a scandal and for preventing any further scandal she has to go and spend her summer vacations in Scotland with her sister and finally meet the royal family. It turns out that everyone wants her to get together with prince Sebastian the younger brother of her sisters boyfriend. The thing is that Sebastian is trouble. 

This book was not that long and actually as I listen audiobooks at twice the speed I get over them fairly quickly. But I know that if I have been reading this boo I would not have been able to put it down because it was so dam addicting. 

What I liked the most were the characters and especially Daisy. The book is told int he first person and pretty much all we get are her impressions and I think she is a narrator whom is so easy to empathize with. I like because all she wants to do are normal things and I think that is something pretty standard for someone her age. And even when fame sounds cool must be shocking to have it from nothing because your sister is marrying someone who is famous. I mean is not even that your sister did something remarkable. 

The rest of the characters are great and the best thing is how Rachel Hawkiing portraits how relationships evolve. I like how first impresiona are important but at the end you get to know the person and see that you actually like them.

However the greatest asset of this book was how fun it was. There are a ton of references to Princess Diares. And the humor comes from “laughiin of” those cliches that even when they are funny to see are just that clichés. I love when humor is made from something we love. I think the best part of this book is that reminded me so mucho of that movies, that made me want to go back in time to see the movies again. 

Also I love how even when you think that the book is predictable somehow its not. So please do not turn it down because you think that it would be just another royal story, give it a chance because you won’t regret it. 

I know that this review is way shorter than my usual ones, but its becase the book was way shorter than my usual reads and there is not much to say besides it being a funny book. That I gave it 5 out of 5 stars. And that if you are a 90´s kid who grew top watching all shorts of royal dramas this book is for you. 

See you all next week! Will it be the promised review or will it be something different? 


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