A Conjuring of Light

Hey guys!

A couple of week ago I brought you all my review of A Gathering of Shadows by V.E Schwab and today I am bringing the review of the latest instalment of the series: A Conjuring of Light. And I think that the first thing that I must say is that I am very surprised by this book. It was everything I wanted it to be, but I didn’t know I wanted that. I know that I am not making myself very clear, but you will understand me better as I go on.

Before continuing with this review, I must warn you: this will be a spoiler free review regarding A Conjuring of light but as it is the third book in the series you will find spoilers for both A DarkerShade of Magic and A Gathering of Shadows. If you have yet to read any of those you can read my reviews of those by clicking on the titles, but I will recommend you stop reading this review. If you proceed it´s entirely on you as I have warned you.

A Conjuring of Light starts right were we left the story on the previous book. It was quite a cliff hanger, so I was thankful for being able to jump right after in to the latest instalment of this amazing trilogy. Kell, Lila Rhy and the rest of the characters need to find a way to defeat the dark king and to do so the stakes go higher at every single point. Will all the characters make it out alive? You´ll have to read it to know, but I promise that is an amazing read.

As you might know even when I gave 4 stars to the second book in the series I was slightly disappointed. But as I have said, this book surprised me, and it was a very pleasant surprise. This book has everything that I found was lacking on the other one. There is a bigger development on the characters and a bigger development on the world. In fact, we get to see more of the other Londons.

The world building was better because all the Londons appear in this book and all of them are important to the story. I highly enjoyed seen how White London was presented to us in the perspective of Holland allowing us to find more about the character and the city. It´s weird to find a villain that is likeable and that you can understand, and I feel that V.E. Schwab is unique at creating such characters. From the very first moment I liked Holland and as the story went on and I got to get acquittance with Holland and found why he is as he is and why he acts in the way he does was a very enjoyable experience.

I think that by now you all got the part in which I told you I love Kell. He is one of my favourite characters. I really enjoy how he is portrait and how he is hesitating and always trying to see the best of everyone. He is always willing to seek the reasons for things and he is a character that I deeply enjoy because as Rhy says he is not selfish at all.

I love Rhy because he is strong but not powerful. He is in his way to be king and if we get to see a novel in which he is I bet he is going to be a hell of a king.

I have heard several times, that many fans of the series dislikes Lila and I have to say that whereas everyone seems to hate her I really like her. She is a mess and she is very impulsive, but I do think that she as a character brings so much richness into the story. If there is a character that I don’t like, is Allucard, but in fact I do like him as his actions in this novel redeem him from his past actions and let me tell you that your hearts will be broken when you find the reason behind his rushed departure. 

The plot on this book was brilliant and there was not a single moment in with you could have been bored by it. In every single page there is something happening. And everything its interesting!

Style was impeccable as always. I do really like how V.E. Schwab writes. But if I must keep just one thing from those books will be without, hesitating for a single moment, the fighting scenes. Those were truly epic, and I love how the magic in them was described. Also, I would keep the relationship of Rhy and Kell witch I have loved from book 1.

As you can tell I loved this book and I gave it 5 out of 5 stars. I will recommend that you read the series and particularly this book because it´s an amazing concluding novel. With this book I have read 5 books from this author and I want to read more and more of this world.

See you all in my next post!


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