January Wrap Up and February TBR

Hey guys!

It´s been a month since I came back home and as you have may notice the post are following once again a schedule. And I am back to reading though, not as the same rhythm that I was last year; I could, but I have decided not to. I read because it is my hobby, not an obligation and last year I felt like I need to read not for fun but for review. So, I am going to be reading whenever I have time and because I want to. But don’t worry guys I the post will be coming still on the usual days: Wednesday in English and Fridays in Spanish.

That say this post as its title may have suggested is my  Wrap up for the month of January and my TBR for the month of February, so without further do let´s jump into it.

I thought January would be a quiet month but it hadn’t been. I have been working and I am back in school so I had a lot of things to do and not as much free time as I would have like to. Yet I am really happy with my reading this month not that much with the books that I have read. Before we jump in to the books that I have rad let me tell you that by clicking on the titles of all this books you can check my reviews either here or in Goodreads.

The Cathedral of the Sea by Ildefonso Falcones

I did not start the year on the right food. At least reading wise. I did not like this book for several reasons and it’s not related with the fact that it´s a historical book because those who have been here for a while now will know that I like historical fiction.

My main issue with the book was that the author seems to be recreating on the violence way too much. I get that the Dark Ages was a violent time specially for women. But this book got to a point in which I did not want to keep reading because I was so offended by the amount of violence that women received.

There is also the fact, that I did not like the main character and the narration was too slow going too much into detail in parts that need no explanation. There were points in which it was like read a Wikipedia article.

I gave this book 1 out of 5 stars and I will not recommend it to anyone.

The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks

A year ago, the Shannara Chronicle´s Tv show premiered and I really liked. I decided then that I want to read the book in which the show was based. I discovered then that there was one book before the Elfstone’s of Shannara, which is the one in which the Tv show is based on. This Christmas Santa was kind enough and brought me the first book and so I read it.

I overall enjoyed the book but it is certainly not going to be among my favorites of all times. I´ve heard, as I said in my review, that nowadays Terry Brooks is one of the best fantasy authors so I will continue to read the series, at least the original one. However, I found that there were way too many resemblances with The Lord of the Rings for my taste.

I gave this book 3 out of 5 stars.

Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige

I loved this book and this story and it is for sure my favorite one among all the books that I have read this month. I like the concept that the author is bringing to the world of Oz and I like the characters most of the time.

I will post a full review for this book next week so stay tuned for that. I gave it 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Two Heads Two Spikes by Jason Paul Rice

I received this book for review and I did not like it. I tend to like fantasy and if they are in multy perspective they are just my cup of tea. However, this book was not for me even when I liked the writing. I am not quite sure why I did not enjoy the book because there is political intrigue and battles and a whole world to be explored…

I gave this book 1 out of 5 stars because I really need to compelled myself to read it. Really, guys I need to start a reward system so I could reach the end of the book.

Drums of Autumn by Diana Gabaldon

This is the 4th installment on the Outlander series and it´s the last that I am going to read. I was so disappointed by this book. I hoped for something not as good as the first two books but, at least something in the line of the third book; instead I found this.

The characters change completely. Jaime who used to be a smart guy is annoying and making stupid mistakes. Claire became stupid all of the sudden and I liked Brianna on the previous book but in this one she is extremely annoying; until the point in which something terrible happened to her and I felt sorry but not emotionally committed. 

I gave this book 1 out of 5 stars. 

Those were all the books that I read during the month of January and now let´s jump to the books that I am planning to read during the month of February.

I am going to be really busy this month. I am going to be really busy at least until May. Therefore, I am not going to be doing a very ambitious TBR and I am just going to put a few books that I really hope I get the chance to read this month.

The Sing of Four by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

I recived The Penguin Complete Sherlock Holmes last Christmas and I am really looking forward to read all the books in here. I loved a Study in Scarlet and I am really looking forward to read all the books in this collection. I just need some time, because this book is way too big, heavy and with very little calligraphy.

Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton

I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review and I am really happy about it. I am really looking forward to read this book. I´ve been meaning to read it since last year when it came out.

This book it´s about a girl who lived in a very unfair society and she dream to escape from it. one day on a shooting contest she meets Jin and he seems to be the perfect route of scape. She found then the there is some things that she could have never imagined.
It is a fantasy book that seems to be different to what I am used to. And I am really excited about reading this in February.

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

Again, I’ve been meaning to read this book for a while now. And thanks to Between the Pages of the Lost Library the book club that I host with Noe I am reading It this month. I´ve heard so many good reviews about it, but still I haven’t had much of an idea about what this book it’s about; and I preferred it to stay this way, un less until I have finish reading it.

By the way, in case you want to check it, click on the name of the book club and Noe´s and you can check both blogs out. Unfortunately, we are only hosting it on Spanish.

Golden Son by Pierce Brown

Last year I completed my reread of all Shadowhunters books. And this year my intention is to do likewise with many other books. If you have been here for a while now you will know that the RedRising series, it´s one of my favorites of all times and I am so happy because the final book it´s coming out in Spain this month of February. So, in preparation for that I hope I get the chance and the time to reread Golden Son.

What books have you read on January? Did you like them more than I did? What are you planning on reading on February? Leave a comment down below or just tell me on any of my social media (which you can find by clicking here)

That was it for today´s post. I hope you have enjoyed it. Do not forget to click on the follow button up on the right side of the blog to know when there is a new post coming out.

See you all next week. 


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