Interview with Nelou Keramati

Hey guys,
I hope that so far 2017 is treating you right. In my case it is! Tonight I am going to see the Russian Ballet live with my best friend. Obviously, I am really excited about it. But enough about me and let´s go to the actual topic of today´s post.
Last Saturday I posted an article with my favorite books of the year (you can find that one here) and as my favorite book of the year, The Fray Theory is written by a novel author I thought it would be interesting if we all get to know a little bit more about her. Luckily for all of us Nelou Keramati was really kind and agreed to answer a few questions. Here it is the result of that.
First things first, tell us about you and how you started to write.
Firstly, thank you for conducting this interview, Marta!
I studied Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology as an undergraduate, and then obtained my Masters in Architecture. But it was in acting school that I really found myself, and my lifelong passion for characters and stories was rekindled.
While in acting school, I was struck by an idea which I spent two years developing into The Fray Theory. I had to learn everything there is to know about writing fiction, editing, publishing, etc. so that I could turn my vision into reality, and it has been a wonderful adventure!
What´s writing for you, a hobby or a job?
Writing for me is a form of self-expression. It's emotionally cathartic and a wonderful way of exploring all aspects of human nature. It's so much fun to let my creativity run wild, and I love coming up with hypothetical scenarios I wish could be real. But it's also a lot of hard work and requires so many sacrifices, so I supposed it's both a hobby and a job ;).
What are your other hobbies?
I absolutely love acting, and have been doing it for as far back as I can remember. In fact, I love everything to do with the film industry, from studying acting, to working on movie sets, to watching film and TV shows, to writing screenplays... list goes on! I suppose I'm just a lover of fictional worlds, where anything is possible. 
I guess, for what I´ve seen in social media, you are also a reader. What kind of books do you like? Could you recommend one for those who like The Fray Theory?
I love books that open my eyes. Whether it is fiction, or non-fiction, I love gaining a deeper understanding into who we are as people. But most importantly, I love books that make me feel.
As for fiction, one book that's profoundly impacted me is the timeless masterpiece, The Fault in Our Stars, by John Green. It is devastating, and hauntingly beautiful.
As for non-fiction, I absolutely love The Intent to Live, by Larry Moss, a world-renowned acting coach responsible for countless Oscar-winning performances.
What meant for you to see your book publish with such good reviews?
I am still in shock and awe! Not only because of all the positivity, but also because I found so many wonderful friends who were kind enough to give my debut novel a try. It's kindness like this that humbles me beyond words, and I am forever grateful.
How did everything start? Where did you get the idea for the book?
My 2014 was filled with so much serendipity. One night, when my best friend and I were discussing all the peculiar coincidences in our lives, I was struck by an idea which after months of refining eventually transformed into the Fray Theory.
Your writing style is really special and I have loved it, have you seen yourself influenced by other authors? If so, who?
Thank you so much! To be quite honest, since I spent most of my life studying sciences, I only knew how to write non-fiction. So I think the way that I write is really just the way I 'think'. I try to stay true to how thoughts form in my head, and try to describe what I 'see' in my mind as organically as I can.
Some of my favorite authors that have most certainly inspired me are J.K. Rowling, John Green, and Stephen King.
You are soon publishing The Harbinger, but when is the next installment in the main series coming out?
Once The Harbinger is published in January, I plan on writing The Kinetic (the second novella of the series) in the few months that follow. Amalgam, which is the second novel of the series, is scheduled for publication in autumn 2017. The exact date isn't set, but I'm doing everything in my power to expedite the release!
Would you like that something like resonance was real?
You know what? Sometimes, I wonder if it actually might be! All my life, I've had so many vivid dreams that came true later in life; some the very next day, and some as long as 12 years later! The more I think about it, the more the theories make sense to me: that there's more to this world than we could possibly imagine. :D
Thank you very much for answering all my questions but I have one left, which is the question that you'd like to be asked? And its answer?
Oh wow, that's a tough one! I suppose, it'd be cool to be asked:
What do you hope people will take away from The Fray Theory?
And my answer would be:
I hope The Fray Theory will help connect the dots for those searching for a deeper meaning in life. I wish for it to console those grieving over the loss of a loved one, and give hope to people who might be feeling powerless. Most importantly, I want it to inspire people to pursue their dreams, and to think of nothing as 'impossible'.

 After all this I will like to thank Nelou for answering all my questions and once more recommend every single one of you to read The Fray Theory. You´ll have all the links to purchase the book and my review of the book right down below.
The Fray Theory, Amazon
The Fray Theory, Review

The Harbinger, pre-order
@NelouKeramati, Nelou´s Twitter
@neloukeramati, Nelou´s Instagram 
See you all soon. 


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