Wrap Up April 2016
Hello everyone, Here I am once again. Today as is the last day of April I am binging you my April Wrap Up, or all the books I read during the month of April. This month I´ve read a total of 17 books. I thought I will be reading less but as is been proven I am a reading machine and that I read a lot. And I am quite happy with my reading this month cause I feel like I´ve read pretty good books, even when at the end of the moth the things were not so cool. Without further do, let´s get started. Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy by Cassandra Clare, Maureen Jonhson, Sarah Ress Brennan and Robin Wasserman I read nine out of ten of these novellas this month, as you may know I read Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy during March. I´ve really enjoyed these novellas, because they allow me to reconnect with all those characters that I think were long gone. I am not going to say much more about these because I posted a full review, that you can see by clicking on the title. Ho...