
Showing posts from April, 2016

Wrap Up April 2016

Hello everyone, Here I am once again. Today as is the last day of April I am binging you my April Wrap Up, or all the books I read during the month of April. This month I´ve read a total of 17 books. I thought I will be reading less but as is been proven I am a reading machine and that I read a lot. And I am quite happy with my reading this month cause I feel like I´ve read pretty good books, even when at the end of the moth the things were not so cool. Without further do, let´s get started. Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy by Cassandra Clare, Maureen Jonhson, Sarah Ress Brennan and Robin Wasserman I read nine out of ten of these novellas this month, as you may know I read Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy during March. I´ve really enjoyed these novellas, because they allow me to reconnect with all those characters that I think were long gone.  I am not going to say much more about these because I posted a full review, that you can see by clicking on the title. Howeve

Lady Midnight

Hello Everyone, Have I ever told you how much I love Cassandra Clare books? I think I have, but in case I haven´t let me tell you. Cassandra Clare is such an amazing writer that handles to create a book better than the previous one when I thought that wasn´t possible. I was really excited to read Lady Midnight, and it didn´t disappoint. It shows so clearly the progression of Cassandra Clare as a writer. The world building was less important so she could focus in the characters, their development and the story, which was so rich and full of turns that will shocked you. Certainty I was shock. The story is so entertaining. I was compelled to keep reading for the very first page until the last one. And there was a short story about Claire and Jace and all of the characters of The Mortal Instruments series. I won´t say that much because I don´t want to spoil anything. And with regard to the characters I have to say that Cassandra has made an amazing job because these charac

Lady Midnight

Hola a tod@s, Creo que no lo digo lo suficiente, pero ADORO los libros de Cassandra Clare. Para ser honesta tengo que decir que pienso que es una escritora increíble que es capaz de hacer que cada libro que publica sea mejor que el anterior (si es que eso es si quiera posible). Estaba deseando leer Lady Midnight y la verdad es que no me ha decepcionado. Este libro muestra de una manera muy clara la progresión de Cassandra Clare como escritora. Además en esta ocasión la construcción del universo no es algo tan importante  de manera que puede centrarse en los personajes y en el desarrollo de la historia mucho más que en cualquiera de los otros libros del universo de Cazadores de Sombras. Y gracias a eso, la historia es muy rica y está llena de giros que no esperas,  desde luego que a mí me sorprendió e más de una ocasión. La historia es muy entretenida y, yo no podía parar de leer; era un empezar y no poder parar. De hecho cuando me quedaba un poco menos de la mitad hic

Trilogia Los Buscadores

¡Bendita Feria del Libro que me permitió descubrir esta maravillosa historia! Por eso me encanta pasear entre las casetas y descubrir pequeñas o grandes joyas: este años descubrí dos y, entre ellas la trilogía de Los Buscadores de Luis Montero Manglano. Esta historia esta compuesta por: La Mesa del Rey Salomón, La Cadena del Profeta y La Ciudad de los Hombres Santos. Fue una experiencia de lo más interesante. Encontré el libro cuando estábamos saliendo de la Feria, me llamó la atención y, resultó que el autor estaba ahí. Estuve hablando un rato con él y, la verdad es que fue muy agradable. Pero, lo mejor de todo es que me llevé La Mesa del Rey Salomón firmado. El caso es que empecé a leerlo y, rápidamente estaba atrapada en el universo de Tirso Alfaro y el resto de buscadores. El primer libro lo leí en apenas cuatro días y, el segundo me amenizó la neumonía. Una historia con un estilo de narración único que provoca que no puedas parar de leer y, que sientas una empatía esp

Red Rising

Hello Everyone, I was in a kind of reading slump for almost half of the month and most likely the one to blame for it was The Blue Economy, which I reviewed last Friday. So I was not in the mood to read or even feel the need of it, but all of that vanished once I re-read one of my all-time favorites: Red Rising. For this review I am doing two parts: one spoiler free and another one with spoilers, but I will tell you when the spoiler section begins so you can quite reading if you don´t want to be spoil. And before I start talking about the book let me tell you that my edition of this book is a Spanish one, so I might made some mistakes by translating literally some of the terms. Of course I´ve look for them first but as I did not own the book in English and I refuse to download it illegally I might made some mistakes for which I apologize in advance. I first read this book almost a year ago. My parents gave it to me as my birthday present. The first time I read it, I though

4 Villains

Hello Everyone, This is the last post for today. The World Book Day is coming to an end (sadly). And because usually bad things or sad things happen to and because of the villains in the books I thought it would be a fitting goodbye. Villains are despicable for most of the book, and there are very few books that have villains in which we can deep into their past so we can know what they are how they are and why they do what they do. However there are some books that have the ultimate villains; those who make me feel sorry for them or even come to like them. These are those villains in no particular order. Dorian Gray The Picture of Dorian Gray was one of the first classics I ever read and actually liked. I think is not just because I did it because I wanted to but because the book is focus on a character that is evil. But he is evil because he was corrupted by Lord Henry. His actions lead him to the loss of his great love and all of his sings instead of being ref

23 Books and Emojis

Hello Everyone,  The second of the promised posts is here. For this one I asked a few friends to send me the emojis they liked and with those emojis I will tell about books that I think about when see these emojis. With no further do, let´s get started.    This emoji make me think of a book that made me roll my eyes. There are so many books that could fit in this category but the one that I liked better is The Selection by Kiera Cass. It made me roll my eye because sometimes I feel like the characters could do something smarter. But honestly I enjoyed this book so much. This emoji reminds me of when I´ve done something and I do not want to be discovered. So for this book I will recommend one of my guilty pleasures. And that will be Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. This book is so funny and such a quick read.  This emoji looks like thinking to solve a mystery. A mystery book that I´ve enjoyed so much is Think of a Number by John Verdon is well written and th