April Book Hul & Wrap Up

Hey guys!

Its’ve been a while since I last brought one of this post in English but here I am willing to let you know all the books that have been added to my collection in the last month and of course to let you know all the books that I have read during April.

Book Haul

First things first. I deserve an applause because I have been through April without buying a single book. Yes, guys you have read correctly, I have not bought any books for more than a month and that’s something to be proud of. However, that I haven’t bought books doesn’t mean that books haven’t been added to my collection. Thank God publishers have been kind enough to send some to me.

Frostblood by Elly Blake

This book has been out for what I think is a year know. However, in my country it wasn’t published until recently so I wrote to the Spanish publisher and they were kind enough to send me a copy. I will be talking in further detail about this book in the nest part of this post as I have already read this book.

El Clan de los Imagineros by Antonio José Rojas López

This book is by a Spanish author and unfortunately it has been only published in Spanish, plus the publishing house has not worldwide distribution just yet. Nevertheless, this is a mix of historical and literary fiction that I have already read so will be discussed in further detail on the Wrap Up part of this post.

Godmaker by Ingrid Seymour

I recently started a subscription in Kindle Unlimited and a I love Ingrid´s books I decided that this would be my first ick. Don’t ask me what the book is about because I don’t know, this was a totally author pick. You can expect a full review on it as soon as I have read this one.

El Gremio de las Sombras by Vanessa R. Migliore

This is yet another of my Kindle Unlimited picks. This is one of my currently reading books. This is a fantasy book written by a Venezuelan author that is also a Booktuber that I really like. I will be writing a review as soon as I finish it.

All the Little Lights by Jamie McGuire

Jamie McGuire is one of the authors that I first read when I was getting into YA. I read Beautiful disaster and adore it. Honestly, I don’t know what the book is about but I am dying to read it and tell you all about it. This book is coming out May 29th so I hope to bring a review before the book comes out.

Wrap Up

I think that finally I am adjusting to adulthood and I am back to my reading shelve. This month I have read 5 books which is almost half of all the books that I have read this year so far. And as I have already reach my reading goal for the year I decided to upper it to 25 because I like round numbers.

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

This was the first book that I finished this month and it was not exactly my cup of tea. I think that despite the fact that I wasn’t in love with the plot nor the characters my main issue with the book was that I don’t like videogames. I don’t think that this was the book for me. I gave this book 3 out of 5 stars and in case you want to check all my thoughts in this book you can do that by clicking on the title f the book.

Frostblod by Elly Blake

I absolutely loved this book. I found the universe to be built in a magnificent way. Also, I found brilliant the balance between the romance and the rest of the plot line. I obviously gave this book 5 out of 5 stars. I published a review that you can read by clicking on the title of the book.

2010: Odyssey Two by Arthur C.Clarke

Continuing on with my read of A Space Odyssey I read the second book in the series. I am very happy with how my reading of this saga is going as I am loving reading a syfy classic. In one had I love how the author writes and on the other hand I love how I the author mixes fiction with science. Witch I love the most is how the author imagined things that have happened now way before they did; for instance Hal is so much like Siri (yes the iPhone voice). I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars and I will keep going with my reading of the series.

I Could Write a Book by Karen M.Cox

This book was given to me by the publisher through NetGalley so thanks to both them and the publisher for giving me a copy.

Being honest, I was afraid that I won’t like the book, because this is a retelling of Emma by Jane Austen that is my favourite Auten´s book. Thank God, I loved this book! It was the perfect retelling having its own voice even when it still has so much of the original book. I wrote a review that you can check by clicking on the title of the book. Obviously, I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars.

El clan de los imagineros by Antonio José Rojas López

This is the last book that I completed this month and it was a nice one. This story is told in two times: the past and the present. Is a very short book but it´s truly worth it. I gave this book 4 out of 5 stars and in the case you want to know more about it, all you have to do is check my review by clicking on the title of the book.

What book have you add to your collections? What have you read this month? Do you guys have any recommendations?

See you all next Monday!


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