A Sorrow Fierce and Falling

Hey Guys!

It´s been a while since i last wrote a review in English but truth to be told I haven had the time. But I am back, however the English post are going to be a bit rarer. Most of my followers are Spanish speakers and I think communication with them is easier that way. However, that does not mean that I will stop posting in English, it just means that is going to be less frequent.

Nevertheless, today I did not come to tell you all this. I come to talk about the final instalment in the Kingdom of Fire Trilogy by Jessica Cluess.  The review that I am writing today is about a Sorrow Fierce and Falling. Before you go on with this review please notice that as it´s the final book in the trilogy you might get some spoilers if you keep reading. However, you can read both my reviews for A Shadow Bright and Burning and A Poison Dark and Drowning just by clicking on its titles.

The story starts a few months before the events of A Poison Dark and Drowning. Henrietta is dealing with a lot of things, but specially with the aftermath of Rook´s biting and being an unclean. Plus, she is also planning her wedding with Blackwood. As per usual things are not easy for the sorcerers, nor for anyone on England. They have to find with a definite way to finish with the Ancients treat so the prophecy can be fulfilled.

And as much as I would love to keep talking about all the stuff that happens in this book I won’t for now, because the action starts very early on and I will not like to make any spoiler to anyone who doesn’t want it. I will just let you know my general thoughts of the book.

My first thought was that I feared reading it. I have deeply loved books one and two of this trilogy and I didn’t know if anything could top the ending of book two. I was pleasantly surprised to see that my expectations were overcome every single time that I thought “Oh. Certainly, miss Cluess cannot come with anything better that was just happened”. Well apparently, miss Cluess can come with something that top all my expectations every single time.

One of the things that I enjoyed the most about these books has been the world building, as I have mentioned on my reviews of the two previous instalments. I loved how by taking a period that is wildly known and deeply loved the author created a whole new universe so rich. There is, at least to me, a certain feeling as if I was reading a history book instead of a story. This I because all the character does belong within the historical period they are living it. It doesn’t matter that they are dealing with magic and monsters and identity crisis. They are strong in their own ways but still aware of the time period.

Going on with what I was just saying it´s among how Henrietta is such a strong character but still appropriate for the Victorian era. This also applies to other characters such as Magnus whom I deeply love.

In fact, I loved every single character in this book. I mean I even loved R´helm and he is the mean guy. I think this is due an incredible work by the author when creating the character. She did write some that were despicable, that they are in that way because something happens to them. The evil is not just because, they have their reasons to be in that way and that something that really matters to me. It´s also important that the good guys are not just good; they need to have flaws and at some point, they have to be lost, and certainly that is something that Jessica Cluess have done in a magnificent way in this book.

The plot was all over the place and as I have said it top all of my expectations. This story was very dynamic, and I did not have time to take a breath and relax. There was always something happening and everting was so dam interesting that I could not keep my eyes from the pages.

Did the book ended how I wanted it to do? Well it didn’t. But I think that the book ended how the story needed to. So, I am pretty happy with it. And this is one of the cases in which its prove that even when an author does not deliver the ended that we wanted we can still enjoy a book immensely.

Overall, I gave 5 out of 5 stars to A Sorrow Fierce and Falling. I do recommend it to all the fantasy lovers out there. And as I said over Twitter, thanks to Jessica Cluess for writing such an amazing book. I am very much looking forward to read more from this author.

See you all in my next post!


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