
Showing posts from March, 2017


¡Holaaaaa! Una vez más es el último viernes de mes y Noe del blog Entre Páginas y Letras y yo, os traemos la reseña de nuestra lectura conjunta, parte de nuestro club de lectura, Between the Pages of the Lost Library . Este mes fue el turno de Bittersweet de Melanie Rostock y, como habréis visto Melanie fue tan simpática que accedió a colaborar con nosotras haciendo una entrevista (que podeís leer pinchando aquí ).  Lo primero es lo primero y, es contaros un poco de qué va el libro para los que no lo sepan. Bittersweet nos cuenta la historia de Bambi y Liam un par de chicos que no podrían ser más diferentes. Mientras que Bambi vive en un entorno privilegiado, Liam vive en un mal barrio y sus amigos no es que sean las mejores influencias del mundo; por otra parte Bambi sufre acoso escolar o bullying . ¿Cómo se conocieron estas dos patas de un banco? Pues en un curso de escritura, porque sí, lo que ha unido a estos dos es su amor por la escritura.  La verdad sea dicha y, m

Crooked Kingdom

Hey guys, It ´ s a new day! It ´ s a new life! A life in which I don ’ t know how I have manage to read a book, less writing a review for it, as a matter of fact I am doing this review as I cook. I have been having a crazy month with test and project delivers for the university very week. Thank God I am a good planner. However, I think the important topic is to talk about Crooked Kingdom the second and final book on the Six of Crows duology. It took me a couple of weeks to read it, not because I didn ’ t enjoy it which I did, but because as I have said I had no time this pass month. For those of you who haven ’ t read Six of Crows yet, it ´ s more than possible that you ´ ll find some spoilers about that book in this review, so I will recommend you to read instead my review of Six of Crows , then read the book if you feel like it (which you should) and then come back and read this review. And for those who have already read Six of Crows you can stay cause is going to be

Mañana Azul

Si hace un par de semanas empezaba a publicar las rese ñ as en castellano de uno de mis series favoritas, hoy termino con esta serie de rese ñ as porque Ma ñ ana Azul es el ú ltimo libro de la trilog í a.  ¿ Qu é decir? Lo primero, supongo es que si no hab é is le í do los anteriores libros de la saga vay á is a ver esas rese ñ as ( Amanecer Rojo e HijoDorado ) porque puede que encontr é is alg ú n spoiler de los libros anteriores. Y ahora que se han ido todos los que no quieren se spoilirearos, puedo hablar sobre Ma ñ ana Azul. Por cierto, sobre el t í tulo, tengo que decir que no estoy de acuerdo con la traducci ó n hecha del t í tulo porque no tiene nada que ver y, porque en el libro hay un momento, que parece ser clave para el t í tulo de la historia, y ah í s í que est á bien puesto. Morning Star, de toda la vida de Dios es Estrella de la Ma ñ ana (s í, como Lucifer). Pero, de lo malo, malo, no es de la peor traducci ó n que he visto. Creo que ser í a un momento tan

The Queen of the Tearling

Hey guys, Today I am bringing you the review of one of the books that I rea don February. It ´ s obvious that as I only post once a week the reviews come a little bit late, but the point is that they arrive sooner or later and because I took notes I have everything really fresh and ready to review. The Queen of the Tearling was a Christmas present from my Godparents and I was looking forward to read this book. I had seen many review and thanks to those I figurate it out that The Queen of the Tearling is one of those books that you will love or hate, there is no in between. Except maybe in my case, you know I like to go against everyone. This will be a spoiler free review so you can keep reading until the end. The Queen of the Tearling narrates the story of Kelsea, the queen of the Tearling, who has been hiding until her 19 th birthday. During all this time the Tearling has been ruled by a regent. Now Kelase goes back to the capital to be crowned Queen of the Tearlin

Hijo Dorado

La semana pasada os tra í a la rese ñ a de Amanecer Rojo (que pod é is encontrar o bien aqu í o bien pinchando en el titulo), as í que esta semana os traigo la rese ñ a de Hijo Dorado, el segundo libro de la Trilog í a Amanecer Rojo. Lo primero es que este libro lo tengo m á s reciente que el anterior puesto que lo he rele í do este a ñ o, para prepararme para leer Ma ñ ana Azul, que sali ó en Espa ñ a el pasado 9 de febrero. Antes de que sig á is leyendo os comento que, aunque de Hijo Dorado no habr á ning ú n spoiler, puede que s í encontr é is alguno de Amanecer Rojo . De modo que, si no hab é is le í do el primer libro, os recomiendo leer mi rese ñ a del primer libro (que pod é is encontrar aqu í ) y, por supuesto que le í ais la trilog í a que es maravillosa. Y ahora pasemos a hablar de Hijo Dorado. ¡ Este libro es una obra maestra! Es incre í ble y me encanta. Creo que no he le í do ninguna rese ñ a mala de esta trilog í a y, eso es mucho decir. Como ya dije en

Six of Crows

Wow!  I think that would be the best definition for Six of Crows. And I think that even when I am going to be talking in further detail about it, I know I cannot make it justice. I have been meaning to read Six of Crows for quite a while now, and finally in February I decided it was the perfect moment for it. It was a good choice, cause as you may know if you are a regular here, January was kind of a crappy reading month for me. Six of Crow is not a typical story. It ´ s not about the stereotype heroes and of course not about the stereotyped villains. Let ´ s be honest, the main characters of the story are murderers, thieves and crooks; but that doesn ’ t mean that you end up caring less about them because as a matter of fact at the end of the book you love all the characters very deeply.   Besides the plot line it ´ s really interesting; these outcasts have to perform a mission to save the world from the jurda parem, a new drug that has appeared in the market. But o