City of Ashes

Hello guys,

It´s been a while since i last talk about shadowhunters in the blog, at least in English, and  really want to have reviews for all of this books so I thought it would be a good idea to do it now, especially because I am on vacation and I think, summer it´s a great moment to read anything you like. And since I love fantasy so much I figurate it out that everyone must love read fantasy.

So going on with my re-read of The Mortal Instruments series I read City of Ashes, the second book on the series. This review is going to be spoiler free regarding this book, but most likely you will find some spoilers of the first book, so if you haven´t read that one yet here is my review of that one. Go read City of Bones and then come back and read City of Ashes. If you get spoil it´s not my fault. I just warned you.

The first thing I want to say is that the progression of Cassandra Claire as an author it´s so clear from one book to the next. The story is growing as well as the plot and the characters. City of Ashes is so much better than City of Bones. Don´t get me wrong because the first book is so good, but this one is just better. However everything seems to be extremely focus on Clary, but of course she is the protagonist of the story. But still we get to know more deeply the rest of the characters because we get to see differents points of view more often and for more pages.

Again I have missed Magnus so much. He is one of my favorite characters and even when I have read The Bane Chronicles and know a little bit more about his relationship with Alec is develop, still I would have like to have a little more of those two in this book. Truth to be told is that in City of Ashes was the first time in which those who were reading the books as they were published get to know a little more about the warlock but still he need much more pages; that´s why I am so happy about the recent announcement that Cassandra Clare made about writing a whole trilogy about Magnus.

Despite the relative absence of Magnus I have no complains about his book.

After all what happened on City of Bones both Clary and Jace are battling those feelings that should not have as siblings. All the characters are affected by that and are facing it in their own ways. Cassandra Claire has been able to create a bunch of characters that are so likeable and believable. And it´s the beginning of the amazing character development that we will see in the other books in the saga.

I believe that the first book cannot be appreciated until you have continued with the reading of the series. The first book it´s the base to the rest of the series, even if we also get great doses of action. But the first book can´t be compare to this one and I really consider that to be one of the greatest things of Cassadra Clare as an author.  Despite the first book have important information for the general plot you are not overwhelmed by a huge amount of information about the shadow world, you are discovering it at the same time that the characters are doing it. And because all of that you want to keep reading.

The plot has a couple of twist that I do see it coming but are great to read any way. But on the other hand the plot has some twist that you weren’t expecting. And the ending of the book is beyond spectacular, one of my favorite ending of all times.

In my opinion City of Ashes is a 5 star book and I really recommend everyone to read this one. In fact I keep telling everyone to read any Shadowhunters book and the most recent evidence of it it´s my friend Cinzia: we went to a book store and I didn´t stop until she bought herself Clockwork Angel (and in case you are interested I have a review for that one and you can find it by clicking here).

What are your thoughts on this book and the shadow universe?

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See you all soon. 


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