March Wrap Up + April TBR + Top 5 Reads from the First Quarter of the Year

Hey guys,

Yet another month is coming to an end and here I come with a little review of what I have read and what I will be reading on April.

In March despite how busy I was I managed to read all the books that were on my TBR.

Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo

As I said on my latest TBR I was really looking forward to read this book as it was the conclusion to the Six of Crows duology. I ordered it online and I have it on my house just the day after and I was 
really happy.

I jumped right into it and as I was reading it and loving it I realized that something was missing from Six of Crows. Dont get me wrong cause I have loved this book deeply. However, I liked better Six of Crows. Plus, the ending was not necessary. I ended up giving 4.5 out of 5 stars to this book and I will recommend to check my review for it, just by clicking on its title.

The Harbinger by Nelou Keramati

I received an ARC from Nelou in exchange from an honest review. And, to be honest you should all stop your life until you have read both The Fray Theory and The Harbinger. Nelou is such an amazing writer and she has truly become one of my favourite authors.

The Harbinger is a novella that follows one of the characters in The Fray Theory a couple of years early and it will only make you love this character more. You don't need to read The Fray Theory to read this one but it will be preferable as you will understand something better.
Obviously, I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars and, if you want you can check all my thought by clicking on the title of the book.

Bittersweet by Melanie Rostock

As I have told you pretty much every single month I participate in an online book club with Noe from the blog Entre Páginas y Letras. This month we were reading Bittersweet, which is a book about bullying and complicate family settings. I liked but I think that I would have enjoyed this book more when I was teenager. Overall, I gave this book 3.5 out of 5 stars.

1984 by George Orwell

I really like to read classics now that I understand them better and because nobody is forcing me to do so as it happened when I was in high school. I tried to read the book as an audiobook but didn't manage to do so. Then one of my best friends was reading it and he lend it to me.

I really enjoyed it. I haven't written a review because I consider to talk about this particular book really complicated. I saw a lot of similarities with the Soviet Union and some of the event of the Second World War. Plus, I consider Orwell to be a genius and a highly imaginative guy, as he predicted a lot of the technology that we have nowadays if not very similar. It´s a book to make you think with an amazing style, if you like reading, words and history I think that you will highly enjoy this book.

At the end, I gave it 4.75 out of 5 stars because I was kind of disappointed with the ending even when it was somehow predictable.

Romeo & What´s Her Name by Shani Petroff

I was given this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review and I am so happy and grateful for it. I really enjoyed it and it was a really fun and cute contemporary. I will highly recommend all of you to read it. I gave 5 out of 5 stars and there is a review coming during April for all of you to check, I will keep you posted about it. But in the mean time you can check my review on NetGalley by clicking here.

Optimist Die First by Susin Nilsen

I was also given this one a copy through NetGalley, but unfortunately I didn´t like this one. I didn
care about the characters and I felt so sad and stressed by reading this book maybe because I am an endless optimist, so the beginning of it was awful in my opinion. I gave it 2 out of 5 stars, and if you are interested on in, you can check my review by clicking on the title.

One Wish Away by Ingrid Seymur

Another book that I received from the published via NetGalley. This one I really enjoyed and I am so happy to have requested it. It follows a young girl trying to figurate it out the messy inheritance of her grandpa. It´s highly entertaining and if you like paranormal romance you will certainly love it. I gave it 4 out of 5 stars.  Keep an eye on the blog cause a review is coming in the following weeks but you can check my NetGalley review in the mean time by clicking here.

Royce Rolls by Margaret Stohl

I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. What to say about this book? Well it has reminded me why I dont like reality TV. I did not like the characters or the plot, neither the writing style which was at times, confusing. I gave it 2 out of 5 stars.
However, truth to be told, I can understand why people can like this book and I think it would be ideal to have people who actually like reality TV start reading.

Regarding my April TBR I will say that I am really looking forward to read many of the books on my shelves (especially since I have a new one) but it´s a hard month cause I have exams and papers to deliver. I will be reading but I will rather to rea whatever I pleased instead of being adjusting to a TBR.

And finally let´s going to discuss my top 5 reads from the first quarter of the year. are the following. A quick note to say that I read 20 books from January until the end of March, and that not all the books are my 5 stars but I am putting those in this list because I have highly enjoyed them and think that are meaningful somehow.  And if there is a review for any of these books it will be linked so just be clicking on its title you can check.

In the order that I read them they are the following:

Dorothy Must Die! by Danielle Paige

Six of Crows & Crooked Kigdom by Leigh Bardugo

Morning Star by Pierce Brown

The Harbinger by Nelou Keramati

1984 by George Orwell

What have you read in March? What are you planning on reading? Do you have any recommendations?  And of course, which are your favourites so far?

Do not forget to follow the blog to be updated as when there is a new post. Or just follow me on Twitter (@martapasperez1) where I always tell when there is a new post.

See you all next Wednesday.


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