Hello Everyone,

It´s been a while since i posted anything in English, also its been a while since I bring two post a week… But I have a good excuse for it. I don´t have as many time as I thought I would. For those who are interested I am in my semester abroad and I am traveling and discovering Germany, as well as I am figuring out how to live by myself. So far I have survived so I think I am doing it well.

The problem of living by myself is that I don’t have as many time as I used to. I must do mundane stuff as cleaning m clothes and iron them. And I have frigerated out how to cook, which I have no idea how to do it before my arrival in here. So overall I will say that this two months have been a crazy experience, and a very positive and funny one.

Back to the important topic: I haven´t been reading as much as I am used to, but there are a lot of books that I want to read within the next couple of months. So here are the 10 books that I want to read badly:

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

This one is my current reading and I am enjoying it so far. And because I am masochist and even though English is not my mother tongue I am reading it on English!

This book it´s the pick for the month of November for the book club that I am hosting along with Noe over Entre Páginasy Letras, so if you know some Spanish and feel like joining us, you are more than welcome. You have all the links for everything by clicking on its names.

By the way, so far I don´t like Mr. Darcy, which is also the name of our spider pet.

The Royal We by Heather Cocks

This one is my other current reading and even when I am liking it so far, it´s not like I feel the need to read the book. So far I can say that it´s Kate Middleton fanfiction and its funny. But because of its structure the reading is not going as fast as I would like (also the factor of the time that I dedicate to reading is not as much as I used to)

Heir of fire by Sarah J.Maas

At the beginning of the year I read the first two books in this series and let me tell you that I love them. Then I made myself stop reading them because this books were so dam addicting that I would have done nothing but read for the rest of the semester and I want to finish university.

I cannot get into the details of this book because I will spoil you about what happen on the first two books, but trust me when I tell you that this series is good and that if you haven’t read it yet you should.

A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir

Almost a year ago I read the first book of this series and I completely fell in love with it. The writing was magnificent, the concept so unique, and the story so compelling that I wanted to read the next books as soon as it came out. So, what did I do? I bought the book the very same day it came out, but the thing is that I haven’t read it yet, even when I am dying to do it.

I have good excuses for not have it read it yet. I am in reading slump and I don´t have time… Who I am kidding? There is not a plausible explanation for me haven’t read this book yet.

Dorothy must die by Danielle Paige

I don´t know that much about the book except for the fact that is a retelling. I haven’t read many retiling’s so far, but they seem to be a thing. But c´mon, just the title sounds cool, so why not read the book?

The Black Prism by Brent Weeks

As a book nerd, I love to see BookTube and there is this BookTuber that I particularly like that won´t stop talking about this book. It´s a fantasy and apparently, the magic system in this world is like nothing I’ve ever seen.

Plus Regan, the BookTuber I was mentioning earlier seems to have similar tastes to mines´. In case you are interested you can check Regan’s´ channel by clicking on her name.

Nefertiti’s heart by A.Exley

The reasons for me to pick up this book are the following: 85% the cover, 15% it´s title. Do I need to say that I know nothing about it and I want to keep it that way? I love going into books knowing nothing about them, then the journey is even more interesting.

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

Please don´t kill me! I haven’t read any book by Rick Riordan yet but this book is on this list to solve that problem. Also, don’t kill me for the statement that I am about to do, but I liked the movies, so if the books are better (as usually happens) I will love to read them all.

Morning Star by Pierce Brown

It´s a shame that I haven’t read this book yet, but the truth is that I haven’t. First I wanted to wait for the Spanish edition, then I purchase an English copy that is on my reader waiting for me to pick it up.

My excuses are lame but, the struggle is real and it’s there. First I want to re-read Golden Son before I jump into this book. Secondly I’ve heard that there are lot of characters dying and I don’t want that to happen. Finally, I like this series so much that I don’t want to finish it.

The Rose Society by Marie Lu

Last May the first book was published in Spain and I bought it. I completely love it and I am looking forward to read the next installment I the series. Pluss Marie Lu has just released the las book in the trilogy and I want to read it. but I am bad at finishing series, because if I like them I don’t want them to be over and if I don’t like them I just don’t bother in making the effort. 

Those are the 10 books that I am more excited to read in the next few months. What are yours? Do you have any recommendations? Leave a comment down below so we can discuss it or contact me through any of my social media, which you can find here.

Don’t hesitate in following the blog or my social media for new post.

See you all soon! ;P


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