
Showing posts from May, 2016

The Thruth About the Harry Quebert Affair

What is that thing that makes the difference between a good book and a great book? To be honest I don’t know but I am sure that it has to be something. Maybe is the writing or the way in which the story is told or maybe is because there are some people that are meant to be great writers as it is said in the Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair. There are some authors that may produce one great book in their career but there are others, just a few, that are able to create masterpiece after masterpiece and I think that the later one is going to be the case of Joël Dicker. And yes, I’ve only read one book by him and yet I dare to say that he is going to be an exceptional author. But let´s not talk about him but about his work. I´ve been hearing and reading such great reviews of this book; I was really looking forward to read it. Finally, in my birthday I got the book. And as I was checking the signings for La Feria del Libro de Madrid, I realized that Joël Dicker was coming. An

El Ruiseñor

Hola a Tod@s: Este mes ha sido mi cumpleaños, como puede que haya mencionado ya alguna vez. Este año he tenido mucha suerte porque, por fin, después de 21 años he conseguido que me regalen libros. Ya os iré diciendo cuales según vaya reseñándolos, pero de momento todos los que he leído me han encantado y, uno que me ha parecido increíble es El Ruiseñor de Kristin Hannah. El Ruiseñor nos cuenta la historia de dos hermanas que se ven afectadas por la Segunda Guerra Mundial y a su manera ambas son heroínas.  Es una historia atípica, porque muchas veces nos olvidamos de que no solo los hombres fueron a la guerra. Las mujeres también sufrieron las consecuencias y, en el caso de estas dos hermanas ayudaron a los Aliados en las maneras en las que pudieron. Y no solo es lo bien escrito que esta el libro, porque el estilo de la autora es precioso, sino que la historia está muy bien contada. La señora Hannah es capaz de hacerte sentir ternura al mismo tiempo que estas horrorizado po

The Nighthingale

Hello Everyone, I might have mentioned that this month it´s been my birthday and besides the fact that I get to celebrate with all my friends in a very funny night, I am so happy because after 21 years of living in this planet I get books for my birthday. One of the books I get is actually the one I am going to be talking  about today: The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah. Honestly. I can only say good things about this book. The writing style is amazing. It is done in such way that you are able to feel so tender but ate the same time being horrified by all the things that happened during the World War II. The good thing about this book is how good the two main characters are portrayed. Both of Rosignol sisters are very strong women, but they were not like that when the book started. They both went through a journey to arrive to the point in which both of them are strong female characters. In one hand we had Isabelle, who is my favorite of the sisters, by the way. I liked

Los Jóvenes de la Élite

Hola a Tod@s: Antes de empezar a hablar del libro de hoy, quiero disculparme por no haber publicado ayer como suelo hacer. Como ya mencioné al principio del mes, estoy de exámenes y, el de hoy además de ser muy difícil tenia mucho temario así que entre eso y, que tuve que llevar el coche al taller, ayer no tuve tiempo de publicar. Pero un nuevo post ha llegado y, espero que lo disfrutéis. La verdad es que este libro lo he leído por la más absoluta de las casualidades. Cuando fui a recoger Lady Midnight a la librería no podía irme sólo con un libro, de modo que decidí darme una vuelta y, esta joyita llego a mis manos. Leí la sinopsis y, me pareció muy interesante de modo que decidí llevármelo a casa.  Pero no leí el libro nada más traerlo (ese honor era para Lady Midnight, del que podéis leer su reseña aquí ) y, pensé en posponer la lectura hasta verano. Por suerte, antes de los finales, tuve una pequeña "semana de vacaciones", que además coincidió con mi cumplea

The Young Elites

Hello Everyone, A while ago I went to my local book store to purchase Lady Midnight, and because whenever I go to a book store I cannot buy just one book I bought the Young Elites. I was looking to read something by Marie Lu and I read the synopsis of this one and I thought it sound really interesting. However I have to wait to read this book because I have to read some books that were given to my for review and because it was the end of the semester I have not so much time to pick up this book. So when the classes where officially over I decided it was a good time to have a little break and read something I was really looking for. First I picked up The Axeman´s  Jazz and I realized I was not enjoying the book and decided to left it aside for a while and pick up The Young Elites. As a matter of fact this was, along with the buying of the book, one of the best bookish decisions of the year. The Young Elites is a magnificent story that is like nothing you have never ever red

The Reflections of the Queen Snow White

Hello Everyone, I´ve been wondering for a while now what happen after “And they lived happily ever after”. I mean I always want to know what happen after the book ends, where the characters are going and what new adventures they will be facing. Unfortunately when I was little Disney didn´t tell me what happened after. Usually there were not a second part and therefore I could not know whether the princesses were indeed happy with their princes or not. Luckily for my David Meredith decided to answer that question and send me a copy of his work in exchange for an honest review. So before I get into the actual review I would like to thank David. The Reflections of the Queen Snow White, is as I said a story of what happened after the happily ever after. In this story we get to see that Snow White and Prince Charming have shared a life together and that they were happy. But now that the king is death, for aver a year now, she is depressed. For me it was so nice to see how the l

Capitan América: Civil War

Hola a Tod@s: Los que seáis aficionados al cine y, en especial, aficionados al universo cinematográfico de Marvel sabréis que el pasado día 29 de abril se estrenó en España la primera película en la tercera fase del universo de Los Vengadores. Y dejadme deciros una cosa: LA PELÍCULA ES INCREÍBLEMENTE BUENA. La premisa de esta película como todos sabemos es que los superhéroes se peleen y, encortar un motivo para que estos se peleen puede ser difícil. Un ejemplo muy claro es la reciente Batman vs Superman, en la que Batman y Superman se llevan mal y nadie sabe por qué es, o al menos yo, no lo pillé. En serio no era necesario hacer una película de casi tres horas tan aburrida. Pero volviendo al tema principal: Capitán America Civil War. Los héroes tienen motivos para pelearse y, a verdad es que las razones que dan ambos bandos son bastante buenas, aunque sin lugar a ninguna duda yo soy #TeamCap, porque para hacer honor a la verdad, todo lo que pasa en Los Vengadores: La Era

Captain America:Civil War

Hello Everyone, As you may know, if you follow the blog, I love Marvel. And Marvel have just released a new movie: Capitan America: Civil War. So I went to the movies and let me tell you one thing: THIS MOVIE IS AMAZING. Basically this movie is about heroes fighting heroes, as we all might deduce for its title. And, as it´s been proved find a reason for the heroes to fight among them is not easy, we all remember  Batman vs Superman movie (you can read my review for it clicking here), in that movie the two main characters don´t get along very well and they fight, but has anyone find what were they fighting about? Honestly I waited almost 3 hours of my life watching that movie. But, going back the main topic: the new Captain America movie. The heroes had a reason to fight each other and all of the reasons that are given in both sides are quite good; however I am #TeamCap all along. And to stay honest to the truth, Tony has been making terrible decisions lately that have l

The Fire Sermon

Hello Everyone, Last week I read The Fire Sermon by Francesca Haig and I thought it would be a good idea to write a spoiler free review for this book. So you can stay for the whole post because I am not going to do any spoiler. I´ve had been meaning to read this book for quite a long time. I saw it on the book stores of my city and the cover was so appealing, so I was really looking to jump into it and get to know the characters and the world. I requested the second book for review and Simon & Schuster were kind enough to give me an early copy, which I am really grateful for. So as I got an early copy I thought it would be a great time to pick up The Fire Sermon. The story is set in the future after the radiation have had destroyed the world as we know. The children now are always born as twins. One of the twins is physically perfect, the alfa; and the other one is born with some kind of mutation, the omega. The alfas are the rulers and treat the omegas as garbage. In

Wrap Up Abril 2016

Hola a Tod@s: La verdad es que tengo que confesar una cosita: en abril he leído muchísimo más de lo que esperaba leer en un principio. He leído un total de 17 libros, una marca con la que, para qué mentir estoy muy contenta; porque además de leer un montón, en lineas generales he leído libros que me han gustado bastante.  El primer libro que completé en abril fue Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy de Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan, Maureen Johnson y Robin Wasserman y. Para hacer honor a la verdad, este mes me leí 9 de los 10 cuentos que hay en el libro, porque el primero me lo había leído en marzo (podéis leer la reseña completa pinchando aquí ; os aviso de que esta inglés). La verdad es que fue una lectura bastante amena y, que disfruté mucho, sobre todo porque podía revisar a personajes de los que creía que ya me había despedido para siempre pero, también pude conocer a personajes totalmente nuevos y, profundizar en algunos que terminareis de conocer en Lady Midnight.